Monday, March 28, 2005

Waxed Under Heidden Cam

The average age

In the Middle Ages were carried out a series of reforms in terms of reflective thinking about the music, from Gregorian chant to polyphony and the Ars Nova. These changes were due to a series of philosophical concepts that affect music, and have an address: The progressive humanization of the music that goes to the detriment of religion in music.

medieval world moves in principle, by the Pythagorean-Platonic thought that beauty is a joint musical math. Philosophers use the ideas of ancient musical concept of music as a science, the laws of music as a mirror
the universe [1] , and the theory of musical ethos [2] . But now, interest is inclined to the real problems of composition and performance of various musical styles, old and new, tradition and Gregorian polyphony.

Some medieval treatises such as "Music Discipline" French Benedictine monk s IX, Aureliano de Reome, summarizes the basis principles of the musical conception of the Middle Ages. On the one hand he says that music is a science just modulation, in accordance with sound and song, following the doctrine of St. Augustine. Parrots tripartite division of music by Boethius, and takes the Pythagorean tradition saying that there is a relationship between movement of the heavens, music and numbers. Another treaty

Century Music X called "Scholia Enchiriadis" and attributed to Uchbaldo also connects with Pythagorean ideas, but about other approaches. For example, proposes the use of intervals parallel fourths and fifths, something completely new in its context. Making an impact, but soon was banned and replaced. It also proposes approaches linked with teaching and practice of music, showing their educational background, the purpose was to have a greater commitment to practical problems: Use to music in the liturgy and thus meet the need of training the singers. He says the musical discipline should be practiced with great regularity, especially those charged with serving God, and that music education introduced to the person in the knowledge of God which is the higher harmony and foundation of the cosmos.

In "Scholia Enchiriadis" music is linked closely with three disciplines: mathematics, geometry and astronomy that exist solely on the number. Po ends define music as sound discipline consonant and dissonant sounds, music as a relationship between the sounds as the numbers.

From the theoretical and practical religious music in the Middle Ages, there was a new element: the soul of man. The music you exercise, helps to achieve a higher purpose: the salvation of the soul.


Around 1000 began to develop polyphony, and the development of this, has the effect of rhythm and musical script acquire an increasing importance. Guido of Arezzo care of these technical elements in their educational dimension, thus begins to enlarge further the rift between the theoretical and practical.

for Guido, Boethius treaties are useful only to philosophers, not the singers and musical practice is a problem of music teaching. And emphasizes the difference in the theoretical and practical. Among those who know music and the run: "It is an immense gap between musicians and singers, they sing, those known as is the music. He who does not know can be defined as a beast. "

However, the differentiation between the theoretical from the practical, in Guido will have a slight tilt of theoretical thinking to the practical.

The music is organized in an autonomous way and becomes more complex. Polyphony is a reflection of this. The counterpoint is of fundamental importance as a deep source of reflection on the musical concepts, religious and philosophical traditionally accepted until then.

monodic-monotheistic thought, there is a jump to the polyphony and humanism; whole new way of conceiving the world. Web
Locografía / courses / claseestetica
http://www. / musica_antigua / NGrove_Ret% C3% B3rica.html # figures (siglo IV / V BC)
[1] Pythagorean ideas, "the universe are numbers, music etc are ratios of numbers ..
[2] ideas especially Plato and Aristotle, telling us of the need to temper the character of young people through music.