Thursday, May 21, 2009

Man Groping Man When Dancing

concept map paul herrera

Free Russian Bare Pix

concept map Antonio Paz

My Ski Doo Will Not Fire

Documentary: Messianic Jews

Accompaniments For Fish

A current Jewish: Messianic Jews

According to the reading "social representations" by Robert M. Farr analyze our documentary, the particular complexity of the contacts of men comes from the role that they played by language, gesture perfected human species unique to the language increases communication and symbolic level to evoke an absent or invisible object and evoke the past or the future. To begin with William tells us that Yehoshua is the same God of all religions, is an absent subject who was born in Israel in time past, yet thanks to the language can make a representation of it. But the God of the Messianic Jews are not Christ because Christ is for them the Greeks, that Jesus also is the name given by the Romans, and here we see as the cultural and language differences can change the representation we have of same object or person. Yehoshua comes from "e" (source) and "shua" (salvation), a union of words where there is a new generating a new meaning. Yehoshua is therefore "the source of his salvation" Jesus because they do not tell from the standpoint of the Hebrew means "horse" or Christ (means cross) because to them he did not die on a cross. For Jews - Messianic died on a tree at the time (stake). We can see how from language interpretation can change a whole culture, which is why no mistake Moscovici to characterize our time as the age par excellence of social representations.

Social representations are cognitive systems that pose a particular logical language and its role from that are shared at a community level, it is clear that the Messianic Jewish church meets precisely these characteristics and looking to expand to the maximum, as told William when he says that the mission and vision of Messianic Jews is to bring the gospel of the Messiah of Jewish origin, to all nations including traditional Jews, if they do not follow the Jewish origin, which was the first religion that appeared (though they do not like using the term religion), they can then follow the true traditions and customs, to William and his community, the Torah (Bible) has become a symbol mode that was a sign (a common value unit) which was established by law. The same William says of the Torah, "is the law, the word of Yahweh" that the Jews should continue to pray, the parties must follow it to the fullness of their lives.

The mission of the Messianic Jewish church in a nutshell is to proclaim and share the Law of Yahweh, the sacrifice of Yehoshua and Jewish beliefs, as Farr puts it, any attempt to develop ideas and symbols, once they are accepted will lead to disorders cultural. Gospel since William was born, when he and his family knew of Jewish messianism, it caused a total change in their cultural environment.

social representations have a dual function: to make the strange familiar and the unseen to be perceptible. William is clear that times have changed, but their beliefs are still visible. They believe in the Torah from Genesis to Revelation, just always believe in one God and wish that what seems strange is familiar, as well as other trends such as Catholicism insist want to show the strangeness of the familiar trinity, each social representation pulling a different direction. Messianic Jews believe in the divine presence ("Holy Spirit") and Yehoshua, but believe that only God is Elohim or Yahweh, while in contrast the Jews - Jews are still waiting for the messiah to come and teach them the word (Torah), for the Jews Yehoshua messianic already done, that's why they try not to deviate and likewise follow his word. This makes what was invisible becomes noticeable, William and his family were not aware the Torah, but now perceived and met in communities where they are a new family, which seeks to provide a light to find salvation.

Based on social representations reading when the author states that the further away you find a new science of everyday life, the more you need to be represented to become a social knowledge; William is clear that, since he knows his community is little known but have a compelling need to make themselves known and reach the entire society.

Many times it is a social representations as deviations or errors of the cognitive system when in fact help individuals to navigate a social and material universe. For Jews, according to William, the yarmulke is a symbol of Jewish tradition, and using it is not an error or deviation, is just one element that helps to orient themselves in this new social and material world that now belongs. Yahweh sees believers in Yehoshua as their children, and servants who use their word and obedience to worship her, the kippa is used as a symbol of respect, and that above their head and he sends Yahweh saves, covers and protects. The previous item is part of the Jewish and Messianic Jewish representation. Just as the kippa, they also use the Talin, which is 2 classes gados Talin (large mantle of prayer) and Talin catan (small blanket under your clothes). Nodes which are in accordance with the Talin belts represent the commandments of the Torah and its fulfillment produces protection. In social representation, symbols have a hierarchy: men wear a kippah, but women use a blanket from his head to the shoulders, because it uses a woman can not be the same as used by the man. This is because the man must revere Elohim and the woman bowed to her husband, if you alter the order hierarchical slighting the authority of God.

The form of Messianic Jewish life has meant so much in their celebrations and in their traditions, such as William told us about the various festivals held throughout the year as the Pesach (Passover) that lasts 1 day and where eat unleavened bread, bitter herbs and holidays cordero.Sus symbols are largely born of agriculture, matzot lasts 7 days and on the third day, called Bicurim are the first offerings of fruit and harvest. Each party has a meaning, during the Shavuot (Pentecost) is seeking total obedience to Elohim, it is a holy convocation and are always dressed in white. Will also by parties that they must meet for their salvation as they do with the study of Torah.

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Motivation Letter For Pediatric Dentistry


A community of FCPyS:
By this, they reported that the 2009-2010 Social and Political Observatory resume operations on Thursday May 21 with the conference: Analysis of the conflict in the Middle East and U.S. policy. On this occasion we will have the presence of John Brom, professor emeritus of our faculty, and Manuel Ferez, renowned researcher of the ITAM.
This session will deliver the certificates of attendance.
The appointment is at 18:00 hours in the lounge Leopoldo Zea (1 graduate) of the FCPyS.
Atte. Luis E.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Work For Backpackers In Canada

News and Recital for the ticket

Children who were enrolled last year and had problems with the correction of papers, achieved after several complaints that they were not put 1 in the book, which they submitted and to sign the final yield. (Those who have not gone to the reunion with the teacher we suggest you communicate, and asked them to prepare special theme issue of mongrafía).
We thought it important that everyone should know, because this was one of those issues that seemed impossible to achieve, and yet, thanks to not slacken in the complaint, and went many times (making the student center as a tool to organize) ... coseguimos!

regard to those who are studying this year was also very good what they did with this problem. And the truth is that despite who care about us that we accomplish nothing, the truth is otherwise: the Recuperatorios for all appeared parcialitos our claim. Same as the first phase, where most had disapproved.

resolverpor There are still things that, with colleagues from the race we made the request to these points:

1. The practical work will not have a test structure. That allow us to interact with theoretical content, preparing for the part.
2. to develop content in practical classes
3. that the parcialitos Recuperatorios (to date taken) is before the second part
and 4. to enable us to disprove at least one of the parcialitos.

on Wednesday at 9: 30 am the faculty will discuss the agenda of the matter, the conditions of approval, dictation, etc..
we should all! to participate in this discussion, to earn the points that we lack. (We met on the first floor)

In turn, the need to implement the University ticket, dining night shift, shelter and time bands to issue, dicutimos courses on Thursday to
16hs a recital in the rectory
Because we need to tear this government the money required for any partner leave school. Because in the midst of great economic crisis with a government that is spending millions on elections and plans for adjustments after June 28 is very important that we unite everyone so that the crisis did not pay the students, nor the rest of the people. and that we continue to fight for the problems we have, because in every fight that we: for study in conditions that are completed arbitrariness, to get more budget for time bands for the ticket, dining, etc, we are also fighting for change the university, because no partner leave school and more young people have access to education.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Midnight Hot Timings India

March March

On Friday May 8 students the UNLP march with the following demands to the authorities of the University and the National Government:
  • More budget for the University
  • More tickets and night shift Dining
  • More time bands in order to pursue implementation of the Ticket
  • University
  • Opening of Student Hostel
Facing politika want to make us pay for the crisis to the popular sectors and the fight for our right to continue education.
delve the way we organize to fight for our needs

Friday, May 8, 2009

Milena Velba E Sue Simili

University College: More budget for the University! I

On Friday 24, took to the streets in a massive march to demand many college students more budget to the University authorities and the national government, most meals and tickets to the night shift, more and better scholarships, student hostel opening and implementation of ticket university among other things.
In this situation, in which our country has increased the cost of living terribly, with rate hikes in electricity, gas, ticket, etc.. , The layoffs are the order of the day and inflation is getting worse, the Government decided to advance the elections to ensure their "governance" and still paying the illegitimate debt.
Students of the University of La Plata We have been traveling a path that the crisis cost us the race, so you can go ahead with the career we choose.
This is how we get 400 tickets for a week more for dining, and also the commitment of the authorities of the UNLP to have a meeting with government officials to discuss university ticket. Let
this way for ticket made effective for all students of the University, to get more tickets and night shift, and to get more budget to solve the problem of time bands in our faculty that today more than ever the shrinking of the faculty for the lack of funds has intensified.
We have great challenges but also great opportunities to get these points and others more to guarantee our right to study, so we have to start organizing!

This Friday May 8 MARCH

* More budget for the University
* More night shift tickets and Dining
* More time bands in order to pursue
* Implementation * Ticket
University Student Hostel Opening

found in the Faculty of Humanities at 5 and a half in the afternoon and left the facu at 6.

See you at the march! Humanities Unite