Monday, November 30, 2009

Dslr300 Precision Design

spit roast Notes on Design Seminar, or Noise II - The Velvet Underground meets Carlos Savransky + bonus track on the curriculum

Some single notes, after finishing that submitted:

"The key matter is clearly in the theoretical. Can not go? Get the transcribing. What the chair does not degrease? I know, but just be getting some old, I think, 2004 or so, walking around. Since then, they changed some texts, but as explained in theoretical elementally remains the same, at best in a different order. It can be hard to follow at first but once grabbed her hand becomes very clear Savransky enlightens you read and what reading the texts of the units would be only too dark.

"The second review is now final and binding house can compensate partially preparing a monograph. I say partly because anyway the paper must be defended and as they say, you can ask questions on any subject matter of course. And the paper does not seem very easy to do either, so do not uncork the champagne that had not yet made or given his head on the keyboard and made those who think that if they waited a bit to score some kind were saved of Calvary.

"You mean the second part is not a Saturday, but the first still is. However, it was not for me. As laburar that day, I asked if I could take the following Thursday. How great, with this I have like 5 days to study tranqui, I thought, it came quite late. Wrong. So, yes, I won 5 days. But I forgot that the exam would be needed in the middle of a classroom at school. Had started confident to see who knew what they were going the 4 questions that I had touched, but everything fell apart when the shrill voice of the teacher began to explain the day's theme permeating the silence that prevailed until then and my eardrums and my brain . I would have preferred the scenario described by Fede in an old post entitled "Noise " where the teacher speaks and students whisper above. Even sounds good congested traffic and a building under construction would come in handy. Is that putting too perfect silence in the foreground the voice of the teacher explaining issues that all they did was confuse my brain exhausted while trying to find, among all recently deposited there in the last few nights without sleep, the explanation of the merleaupontiana differences between phenomenology and gestalt psychology about the role of the subject in perception, or the like.

In his fights with the association psychology, Gestalt (and also the darling of the chair, Merleau Ponty) explained that feelings were not isolated, one always sees something in relation to something else, a figure set against a background. To invent an explanatory example: I see a black spot but a black spot on the white wall. If the wall were also black, the spot did not seem so. If gray or black but rather dark in color, the stain would be noticed less. So mothers who care for the mango often prefer to buy black shoes for their children, to last them clean appearance that the kid will go to be taking away all day on the street.

Something happened in examination. The climate is ideal to give a total silence, with no other visual distractions, smells or tactile (?) Either: plain background on which the only significant figure are the questions, the student's thinking and responses. But if silence is added in a clear voice that contrasts with it, its significance begins to mix with trying to build in my head to capture on paper. And on top I'm more familiar with what the teacher says because I saw in other subjects (in how many more will mention Bourdieu, hey?) That I have to respond because I learned a while ago, is inevitable automatically pay more attention to the first, and you have to work twice as hard to engage the fucking test. Then ends preferably a gray din, to hide what I do not call me more attention, as not to call her mother wanted dirt on the shoes of the kid. Is not it more difficult to read in a library where A starts talking asshole ruining the silence in the middle of a street with a brothel even in decibels? Would it be easier to ignore the meaning of words explaining Savransky Phenomenology of Perception if recited on the type of music that usually accompanies a fart pop singer, specially designed to stay in the forefront the romantic crap he says, or if it did take place in the noisy Lou Reed Sister Ray ? These and other questions of core importance to our intellectual, personal and professional are what helps us to raise the matter.

Conclusion: do not disengage the living trying to go on Saturday, the French ask laburo if they have that day and be sure not Orthodox Jews. ---

PD doubts remain suspended in the air: "Is good matter? Is it true that ultimately has nothing to do with design? Is it easy? Is it beautiful?" Is it clear ? Is it long? Are you going to count for something sometime? " The

word "serve" has some echoes some utilities that make noise probably rightly attentive reader. Do you have to "serve" something you studied in college and then to sell it to an employer? I think not, although a certain amount of that surely has to be at a university is not something that has to be subordinated if we want it go more than bolts to be fitted in a large machine. Yes

is a long time reading material: I left more than a text without reading and yet I was well, confirming that he was right fedef as commented in the post last year on this same subject. In that and everything else there said, are not intentionally screwed correcting (they are so good that I was told that on Saturday I did not attend the examination in which there were a couple treacherously copying the teacher noticed that no matter ...); input seems difficult but Savransky The sculpting is a bit until the fourth or fifth week and see how starting to take a unique, clear and even aesthetically pleasing, not to do things much swollen balls (except, right on the commission that I had to prepare a lesson once a day, etc.). So, answering several questions in one: yes, some may be optional compulsory texts and shorten the field, but ends up being relatively clear what is seen by Savransky and does have its enjoyable points just from that one begins to understand something.

But you can ask a question much more than root: Is it justified in any of this matter and in the race? Unlike what Cinzcéu said to me the contents did not seem sooooo hung, perhaps because they were expecting even more. The relationship with the design is there, although it is true that the words "graphic and advertising" seem to be more in the title, because it is a general theory of design, not those types of design in particular. The problem, any case, I think is more fundamental and has to do with the career structure in general, all say they want reform (including Savransky, each time there is for race director) but nobody seems to agree on how ( everyone should say "my matter not touch me!"). One day we will have to make a post for everyone from the bar corner of your home PC world fix the curriculum of the race as you like on a virtual sheet of paper, without the uncomfortable necessity then the idea of \u200b\u200bmoving into practice, something that would Merleau Ponty, in the end it seems impossible.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Watch Movies Online Mario Salieri


Faculty of Political and Social


Multidisciplinary Center for Theoretical Studies in Social Sciences

makes the kind invitation to attend the lectures to be delivered by Prof.

Jean Claude Filloux from 1 to 4 December this year, in Hall 1 cedes Graduate FCPyS and Guillermo Floris Margadant Auditorium of the Institute for Legal Research.

Free admission.

More information contact the phone and ending 28 56229418 or write to mail


Dr. Luis Gómez Sánchez. Coordinator