Sunday, December 27, 2009

Party Favors For A Dirt Bike Party

"In this matter, as in the linguistics of Saussure, the relationship between the signified and the signifier is arbitrary"

Ear in the first practice of Computing and Society Seminar, which could be called "Philosophy and body art "or who knows how.

We explained, although at this point I do not remember much, that matter was mutating over time from birth to Father and Hector Schmucler as today was quite different from what was originally because the name had remained stable while the materials, content and even some of the issues no. Some who were in other matters there and ended up giving even some that were given here today (oh surprise) overlapped with things seen in other materials *, and perhaps belonged more in them than this.

The phrase, as you said Cinzcéu reviews in the past two posts, can be applied to a few other subjects. I have heard that in the Seminar in Graphic Design & Advertising the last three words I should (though to be fair, a couple of texts from Barthes specifically advertising), and in Argentina and Latin American history if no final das so with the latter. "Data" is really called "Introduction to Computer Science, the Telematics and Data Processing" and I passed without even knowing what "telematics." To see Don

Google: "Telematics is a scientific and technological discipline that arises from the evolution and fusion of telecommunications and computing." OK, to use two seconds the brain could have deducted.

Well, but the phrase essssssssstá well, I say no.


* To illustrate this, another sentence of anthology, in exactly the same class a while later, he left enough a year later to a post:

"There is also a connection with what is seen at the Seminar on Popular Culture and Mass with respect to the transformation of the medieval body of the modern body, all that you see on the subject together with the world and "open hole", a phrase that we say here once and we will not repeat all the time like them love them. "

to anyone who has studied with him will find it impossible not to remember the friend Garriga Zucal to hear.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Without Clothes In Bollywood Actresses Nice Boobs

Ear to attend the class struggle

For all the faculty, except those who remained in some portfolio laburando Campaigning or editing his documentary Workshop II Chair De Carli, "the days following the last week of November up a brief pause between the end of the semester and the beginning of the study for finals. A time when all the weight of years is relaxed a little and take the opportunity to celebrate some partial victories.

Such was the case with our dear B., who, happy to have completed all their study materials, arranged for one of these Saturdays a nice barbecue on the terrace of his house. There

headed several of whom she shared with one or more of the thirty subjects the trunk of the Mass Communication. It was a good chance to talk with some familiar faces but never talk at all this time, and eating right for months after the Arabs to live on ham and cheese La Barbarie. Sharing the roast were about fifteen Galponera more family organizer, and the conversation came down the lanes awaiting a meeting of the style. Averaging

the evening, there was a comment related to the company Techint and ill-treatment (or mistreatment) to their employees. Apparently, the company has a social work itself that requires doctors who treat their employees to write for what ailment is drugs that are prescribing, a practice unusual in the medical field and that (according to my friend N., who has several friends employed at the plant in San Nicolás Siderar) enslaved the right to privacy of laburantes signature. His comment was an unexpected return from the father of the organizer of the roast, which apparently works, or worked, as financial advisor to the accounts of Techint. And so it was that before they could say "Fredrich Engels," began the discussion. Among

empty salad, N. doubled the bet and said the company Techint, self-proclaimed record profits last year, promised a special prize employees for their productivity that never came. "The excuse? "The crisis." (You can see more about it here .) The defense of the homeowner was that things were difficult and that, even with gains, but had to save because they were being "Indians", which also produced steel, and " I passed over. "

- What's going on, interceded, is that even if there is a crisis, the thread always cuts through the finer side ...

In fact, in the same note that I quoted above explains how, while Siderar employees are owed 27 million pesos, a director of the same firm pocketed 6 sticks green fees and allowances.

The talk was cordial as possible, but the tension was already installed. Difficult to match, at one table, two positions. That's when I remembered a phrase from a theoretical Mangone, where I studied Communication II in 2006, then I found posted on the web :

"From the Marxist theory of social classes exist because there is class struggle ... For that in general truce in the class struggle is concealing its existence, such as holiday, weekend, Christmas, on Sunday, "we are all equal in mass, or the family table, and so on." saw that at that time there little political propaganda? It is curious: Why not leafleting a soccer field where there are 40 thousand people, or Corrientes Avenue, the 9th of July or Callao on a Saturday night? One has to go to propagandize in the place where the people, but historically there is a truce, and breaks which virtually stopped the class struggle. (...) The class struggle is spit roasted, is to spoil the party, is to end the cosmology community, disrupt the neighborhood nap. Politicization: power, conflict, fight. "

After midnight, I had a party split into eighty-suspension of the class struggle was under way, of course, but I time to comment with my friend Eugene and with the sympathetic landlady of the situation and the letter of the sentence mangoniana.