Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Da Vc211a Win7 Treiber


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco The Movie Online


This session is scheduled on February 25, 2010.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hermaphrodita Futanari Online

Complaints about the registration - Issue LXXVIII

I've heard stories of students other universities, beside you, leave me anything that has happened in the UBA as a bean, but as we are a spoiled assholes, go a few comments on the Classic in February and July / August: the registration materials.

As I am an idiot (see the first complaint is about me) I did not realize I register on time faculty, that I wanted to do while deciding the direction, so there was no way to score on the specifics of it . But this was not the only obstacle. It happens that as we are leaving less in the Darwinian race to the end of the race, the rates for fees and schedules are much less extensive and varied, the shortage of students. So if you work, or if a mental patient who does not want recorded in 3 subjects that fall when all World Cup matches, or both together and others also will be a very complicated schedule when the options are scarce.

There is an element that provides flexibility: the optional seminars. 10, 15 or 20, of which one chooses one or two that interest you, perhaps for the thesis or perhaps simply for pleasure.

But this flexibility is going to hell when, without warning or explanation take the offer of a year for the other seminars that you had planned to do. Such was the case this year, a seminar given by Castillo, Economy Minister: "The formation of economic discourse as a discourse of power: economic policy and the media, I thought it had an interest. He was not alone, if I remember correctly.

As I did not care to do that than, say, "Identities, social discourses and technologies of gender. Contemporary Debates", I was half in balls, although I ended up rummaging through a time hole to get into another seminar if I want, although the high cost of losing some of the size of Portugal vs. Vs Denmark and Chile. Switzerland.

A in, then, and is entered in a couple more. Or at least one second, in exchange for taking the time to prepare a final pair of earrings. It was not easy: the few combos that could produce were falling for reasons that seemed made of hair. In some chairs, there are four committees (great!), But ... Four in exactly the same day, same time! Not very helpful. Luckily this area was chair parallel: at night, and two committees of practical ... also at the same time. And at a time that overlapped with the other he had in mind to do. OK, I move to schedule the other, then, to see how I have in Excel I took the plunge ... Uh, but fuck it, the other also has all commissions at the same time! And


All this happened, I'm not making a word. Despite beginning the design schedule on Thursday, a day before registration opened, and have done a draft in January based on the supply of 2009, recently ended on Monday, closing day of it, after four days of semi-complete dedication to this work of engineering. The result was a 65-story luxury tower, anyway. Thanks I enrolled in 3 subjects, two of which not only overlap a little (but theoretical schedule, something that I can survive) but above are in different locations! And I turn to the suburbs capital at midnight, when not running the greatest achievement of civilization, that is the subway. No I will have the Tuesday at 5 AM on the roof of the headquarters Constitution, but hit the post.