Monday, August 2, 2010

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Last week was, for some chairs, the second call in late July. Three of the four editors of this blog on Wednesday there were in the house, early, hoping to yield a subject. The interesting thing is that SIU Guarani system was contradictory and confusing information about the date and time of that final.
Although the academic calendar dates set was July 12 to 24, some chairs had his second call in the week after (ie, from 26 to 30). First small problem I do not know if there was a major problem in some mind but there was inexperienced.
Then, disaster. In a number of steps you have to do in the SIU system Guaraní to score at the end, the time the second call at the end appeared as 17hs, while another appeared 9am. After the registration process one is left a 'reminder' in section Exams - Consultation. There, even until the day of final, we all appear the same information: "Second call, Wednesday 28, 17hs.
For mistrust and caution even suspected of being the logical thing was to go at 9, just days before we send an email to a chair professor who kindly confirmed the schedule. Now I regret not occurred to me to forward to the list of Communication students.

D-Day, at 8:15 there were already more than 90 attendees. More than one will appeal to the faculty, or a teacher will be asked to confirm, or will be sent early in doubt. I wrote down my name and I went to another floor. Around 15:30 I went with my companion blog shed and it had only a few numbers to call us.
Then we find two girls who were newly arrived (well, one had reached the 14 more or less) to yield after 17hs. They spoke with teachers and head *, but refused to take them in spite of believing assessment (or so say some) that the confusion arose because the date was wrong published on the Internet. They spoke with the director of the race and, as told, they said it was a decision of the teacher. My father, who has been attaching here and head in various faculties of the UBA, including the Social, I confirmed this issue.
was only two at the time, but there may be many more to come 17hs (with speculation that the chair) and perhaps the time not enough to evaluate them all. I wondered, what if everyone had arrived at 9am? Logical, especially for those who surrender and crowded end (final mandatory compulsory subjects with and without parallel chairs, as Ferrer or Alabarces) was that with the massive presence of students to separate the assessment day in two or more. From 100 onwards come back another day and that was that.
I do not know what happened around 17hs, because when I went to pay these two girls were gone and did not see anyone else who was in that situation. If anyone knows if they did something about it, tell.

My contribution to the community, more there to tell this story, is the following. The two girls were casually that day to pay their last issue, and insisted that too much. One of them even had until the dissertation done, he told just lacked the final pass.

Finally, to them and who can serve, I copy Article 59 of the Regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences :

Article 59 °: Those students who were missing 3 (three) subjects or less to finish his career, may request in writing to the Department of Students, the provision of special examination boards the months of the school year for the academic calendar. In such cases, be the owner of the subject defendant who will decide, according to his means, the date of the Special Committee. Between the date of application determined by student and teacher can not mediate more than one calendar month.

That is, if you are 3 subjects or less, you can ask to be evaluated in the span of a month. These girls could do, but the right thing would be for those who can not use this resource more subjects lacking, but have fallen into the traps of the SIU, to pay by October. With a respectful letter to the Direction de la Carrera department students and / or teachers, or by sending an email to the owner himself, I repeat, respectful, asking them to consider the circumstances and not making angry demands, may be able to do some justice.

* avoid naming for this post does not turn into a letter of complaint nor a escrache.