Thursday, February 26, 2009

Prosti Aubrey Miles Movie Free Watch

Average Neck Size Of A Woman

Analysis of the interview

fundamental purpose of the interview with the couple formed by Carlos Enrique Gomez and Esteban Marta Lucia is to identify 5 of the premises in relation to psychology communication, proposed by Gregory Bateson. For Bateson communication itself is a failure, you can not communicate everything you want to communicate as well and not always intends to be communicating something. The assumptions chosen are:

Context: (second 1 to second 7) This assumption is in the theory of cultural anthropology. In the video we can see when Martha heard the sound of the gate of his house, gives a small and short sidelong glance towards it, he immediately looks at his daughter Camilla who was next to Antonio (interviewer), hand I said right at the door and a small almost inaudible whisper says, "will open." Gregory Bateson recommends that when we are faced with a given sequence of signals, differ as much as possible the question of what these signs mean? Rather we ask ourselves the question Would it be modified indirect significance for change given in sequence or in the context?

The answer to this question is simple if you realize that Martha tries to act surreptitiously, in a discrete manner to avoid interruption to Carlos, it does because the "context of the interview" in which is has been socially established that a sudden and abrupt interruption is not adequate and is considered rude. However, it is clear that Marta goes looking for her daughter to open the door and that meaning does not change and were not being interviewed, I was in familiar everyday context simply had spoken aloud and may not have been necessary to point out the door ie the purpose and ultimate meaning, which is that opens the door does not change if we change the context.

Projection: (second 19 to second 29) The premise of the projection part of Freudian theory. You can see that Marta begins to describe how they met, during his speech Carlos pay enough attention to what she says, when he mentions that they met at a club, he immediately Carlos says and repeats what club, what club? to which she responds Cañasgordas! And given a gentle tap on the forearm in response to that for her it was not relevant to the story.

Projection Principle tells us that when "A" is projected onto "B" simply posits B signals to be interpreted as to interpret whether he had issued. Carlos tells Marta that mentions the name of the club, because he is important, he would say if you were talking, it is clear that Charles is planning on Mars because if he were she would mention the club where they met was the Cañasgordas, but it is obvious that Martha does not think like Carlos and therefore a bit annoying when he insists on what club, what club? Experience

scored: (min 3: 42 to 4:00) Premise belonging to Gestalt theory. Under this premise, we do not experience the existence of a continuous sensory rather, our perception is divided up into what we think of the events and objects. In the psychology of form (Gestalt), this idea is the basis of the hypothesis of the figure and background. That

figure it will be more relevant, more concentrated, the fund will be known that surrounds us but is and will lose attention and importance with respect to FIG. From the minute 3:42 Charles became figures of Mars and the interviewer in the shape of Carlos, everything else is background respectively for them, this period is interesting because you can see the change of figure and background. In minute 3:56 you hear a loud fluttering, apparently of a bird which draws the attention of Carlos and Martha and hence makes up the minute 4:00 the figure and the bottom of the 2 changes. Carlos is no figure of Martha and the interviewer is no figure of Charles, now the figure for the 2 is the possible site where the sounds came, everything else becomes background. In minute 4:00 Camila becomes the new figure of Martha and the interviewer returns to be the figure of Carlos. This is an example of experience scored.

ID: (Minute 5:39 to 6:00) Freudian premise that says that A identifies with B when he starts to shape their own significant events according to what they think are the principles of encoding B . In the minute 5:39 Martha begins to talk about what it considers more important than the love for a relationship last and be successful, says the value and respect the space of another is very important, Carlos is interested in what she says and the minute 5:45 shows wide acceptance as his wife is saying, says "that ... if ... if" while moving very notorious head as expressive movement acceptance and agreement. 5:52 minutes into Martha is giving his opinion on the question asked and Carlos again but in a slightly more modest still nodding.

Carlos is definitely identify with what Martin said, such assures us Gregory Bateson: a particularly interesting case occurs when A acts in a way that pushes B to identify with the image of himself that is A. Bateson also said that the principles of transfer, projection and identification are not mutually exclusive, that is why even though we chose to identify as a phenomenon occurring at the time, because we thought it was the strongest, we believe that there are also projection when Carlos says that what he says Marta is true, ie, say exactly what she does. Coding

multiple: (Minute 1:37 to 1:52) Premise of the Gestalt theory saying that we know of language and communication in general shows that there will always be one or more hierarchies of Gestalten correct, all of which describe how the message flow is created and / or how it is received and interpreted by the listener.
Carlos begins to answer what you do not like Martha (1:37) from the time they start talking is starting to show some caution or care what is much more pronounced and obvious that it is thinking through every word he says, after hesitating a lot and that words flowed, there was a silence that ended when laughingly said "ayyyy .... !!!", to that question Marta which also responds with a big smile.
In this situation, this particular message can be interpreted in various ways, such as suggested by Gregory Bateson.

Marta knows there is something curious and strange in the response and attitudes of Carlos, but when it becomes difficult to express things you do not like it, Martha in the background is not known whether this difficulty and doubt raises the question that her husband is due to nervousness, it took him by surprise, thinking of the consequences or problems that could bring the answer or just not even in their memories was the most appropriate response. It is clear that these are not all possible alternatives Martha could have, but are what one imagines more quickly, the Freudian findings also show that in each case under study may be correct several different analysis, as in this excerpt from the video.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Como Usar Cheat Engine En Chicken Invaders

Political and Social Monitoring Programme 2009-2

February to June in February 1919 Knowledge Society Observatory

Cultural Centre of Contemporary Mexico

February 1926 Presentation on March 5 Observatory

Postgraduate Hall 1 Diagnosis
global crisis

March 1912 March 1919 Foyer

The global crisis and its manifestations in Mexico

Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer

March 26 April 2 Observatory
The role of the IFE and the COFIPE in the regulation of media in electoral processes

Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer

April 9 April 23
Monitoring Poverty and the context of the global crisis
Postgraduate Hall 1

April 1930
Monitoring Analysis Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the war in the Gaza Strip

Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer

May 7 May 1914 Close

Observatory Migration to the context of economic crisis
Postgraduate Hall 1

Observatory in May 1921 "Other developing countries? Latin America and the political-economic shift
Postgraduate Hall 1 May 1928 Observatory

Analysis of traffic, drugs, weapons, people
Postgraduate Hall 1

June 4
fundraising and campaigning. Situation of political parties in Mexico

Postgraduate Hall 1 June 1911 Observatory

Balance midway through the six years of Felipe Calderón

Postgraduate Hall 1 @ observatorio.cetmecs
http://observatoriopoliticoysocialcetmecs. /

Getting Yellow Out Of Cross Stitch

Invitation "Anteroom Debate

February to June 2009-2010
Faculty Political and Social Science through

Center and Multidisciplinary Theoretical Studies in Social Sciences Invites

"Prelude of the debate" as an analytical exercise
advance on the battery issues to be addressed and Political Observatory 2009-2 Social during the semester and consists of:

1. Meet on Thursday at 17:00 hrs. one week before the session, the Political and Social Centre.
2. Propose ideas and ways of prospective study on the agenda of Political and Social Centre.
3. Link sessions interspersed over tables and Political Observatory and Social, reflective questions, including studies and research projects in development.
4. Content and raise new issues to program the next period of Political and Social Centre.

The Debate Anteroom
meet in the Graduate Room 1, Bldg F, 1st Floor

observatorio.cetmecs @
evidence to be given curricular value with 80% attendance.