Political and Social Monitoring Programme 2009-2
February to June in February 1919 Knowledge Society Observatory
Cultural Centre of Contemporary Mexico
February 1926 Presentation on March 5 Observatory
Postgraduate Hall 1 Diagnosis
global crisis
March 1912 March 1919 Foyer
The global crisis and its manifestations in Mexico
Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer
March 26 April 2 Observatory
The role of the IFE and the COFIPE in the regulation of media in electoral processes
Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer
April 9 April 23
Monitoring Poverty and the context of the global crisis
Postgraduate Hall 1
April 1930
Monitoring Analysis Israeli-Palestinian conflict and the war in the Gaza Strip
Postgraduate Hall 1 Foyer
May 7 May 1914 Close
Observatory Migration to the context of economic crisis
Postgraduate Hall 1
Observatory in May 1921 "Other developing countries? Latin America and the political-economic shift
Postgraduate Hall 1 May 1928 Observatory
Analysis of traffic, drugs, weapons, people
Postgraduate Hall 1
June 4
fundraising and campaigning. Situation of political parties in Mexico
Postgraduate Hall 1 June 1911 Observatory
Balance midway through the six years of Felipe Calderón
Postgraduate Hall 1 @ gmail.com observatorio.cetmecs
http://observatoriopoliticoysocialcetmecs. blogspot.com /
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