Note of the counselors. Time bands!
On Wednesday last our 4 counselors, in the wake of the crisis we are facing students and their consequence that many had to start work or study more subjects we do not know how much more we study, we present this concern to the Academic Council of faculty, composed of graduates, teachers and the dean.
a request was made urgent nature of time bands for all the substances of all the races of mankind in general, but given the record of problems of recent weeks that have brought us many partners, detailing the following matters:
If anyone has a problem with a subject, or have an arbitrariness to undertake or to pay a final Please ask us to do to get so we can solve the problems.
We are in the classroom to build the body of delegates and so we can continue to organize more courses for all, by ticket, dining and night shift more tickets and student hostel. We're seeing
La Plata, August 25, 2009.
The Honorable FaHCE Academic Council,
We turn to this body to express our concern about the shortage of time bands in many of the subjects of our faculty, whose inscriptions were made recently.
We have repeatedly made such claims because we believe that all materials must be three time bands for practical classes and at least two to dictate theorists (especially in the departments that offer promotion systems without final exam). So we have raised on other occasions before this Council, which, at the election of Dean in 2007, adopted a program that includes this point.
While in recent times there has been progress in incorporating some time bands in some areas, is still insufficient. This is compounded by the growing economic crisis that hit deep to the Argentine people stems from the politics of the Kirchner. Thousands of students are forced to work for support their studies, and others to abandon, at least partially. It is the responsibility of the Faculty offer schedules that enable all students, in these conditions, can take.
In particular we ask be implemented urgently in time bands:
· Psychology and Culture in the educational process: it is necessary to allocate schedules for committees that enable the promotion. And a morning time band theorists.
· Philosophy of Science: to be assigned a commission in the time band after 18 pm.
· Methodology of Educational Research I: has only a committee of pilots. (At 18 pm)
· Methodology Educational Research II: it is only a committee of pilots. (At 16 hours)
· Psychology Education: there are no practical after 16 hours. • Assessment
education: has one Practices Commission (11 to 13 hours) compared
· Structures: There is only a theory and practice schedule.
· Literature American: there are no commissions from 18 pm.
· Literature French: there are no commissions starting at 16 pm and needs a theoretical band over time.
· Language I: there are no commissions after 18hs. and needs a theoretical band over time.
· Library: in most matters of race there is only one hour to study. This situation should begin to resolve.
· Geography of Marine Spaces: there is a theoretical and practical only in the afternoon time band.
· Swimming I and II: no commissions starting at 16 pm.
The above are just some of the scheduling problems that students have to take and follow "in the race. They are the most urgent and which we hope will be resolved at the beginning of the school year. Otherwise, many we, in the difficult situation we are facing, let's study subjects, a situation which often leads eventually to the abandonment career.
Hoping to find a quick solution to these statements. Sincerely
Student Senate Academic Advisors
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