HOW DEEP IS THE CRISIS? February 25, 2010 Hall 1 Postgraduate FCPyS
observations imply diligence, concentration, analysis, systematization. For the third time we opened the series of PAHO has been gathering for more than a year to attend, from the critical gaze of university researchers, the analysis of national and international issues that most impact in our society.
In this third series we have an interest in monitoring the social and economic problems stemming from the crisis, its impact to natural phenomena (earthquakes such as Haiti) analyze the development of public higher education in regional poverty, its relation to migration, the responses of civil society through the organization of civil movements, such as cultural cinema and poetry and the way we learn from them.
Finally, the themes are large, but in the process of knowledge construction from the critical perspective of university research, we are at work to form a platform for dissemination of interdisciplinary scientific work to which we invite you cordially.
A year ago we started with the analysis of the global economic crisis, over the past few months have made decisions of various kinds, what effect have they had? What has been your orientation? Out what conditions have been implemented? "Today we are engaged in a process of dependency? These are questions we intend to open a dialogue with the speakers. This time we started on Thursday 25 February 2010 with Dr. Benjamin Garcia Paez graduate of the Faculty of Economics (FE) and Dr. Isabel Rueda Peiró, Researcher, Institute of Economic Research (IIE). Our date: 18:00 hrs. Room 1 Graduate School of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS). Ciudad Universitaria.