and Metaphysical Meditation Workshop

"Love is who you are and who always has been. The Soul knows it, but want to do more to know . Want to be on his experience ... "
Weekly meetings of 2 hours: Tuesday, 18 m / h Thursday 19 / Friday 18 h.
- Metaphysics
- Relaxation
- Meditation
- The Essence of Being
- Self-Awareness
- The power rating.
- positive approach.
- Technical -vibrational energy.
- vibration with sound-images.
- The Twelve Rays.
- Triple Flame expanding.
- the presence Unit I Am.
- alignment and balance of the lower body.
- Realignment with the Axis Divine.
- Owning the spinal route.
- auric clearing and protection.
- chakra clearing and alignment of planetary and solar.
- rooting techniques.
- Dissolution of beliefs, thoughts, feelings and patterns is no light.
- exercises with the energy of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.
- Meditation with Angels, Archangels, Elohim, Ascended Masters and Beings of Light.
- New techniques: Ray Area Light, Lightning Synchronization Ascension Hologram of Love
- Light Absorption and projection.
- conscious co-creation, pragmatic and positive reality.
- The state of flux.
- Spiritual laws applied to the everyday.
- planetary healing.
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