Friday, July 23, 2010

Lewis Dot Structure For Clf 2 -1

Fewer entrants to shed

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A star is in decline

Entrants to UBA decreased on average by 22.4 percent in the last five years. Communication For this decline has almost doubled and contrasts with the outbreak of fifteen years ago, when exceeded all expectations.

ever knew to be the star of the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires (UBA). However, fewer young people are registered to the career of communication sciences: in the last five years, the number of students admitted to the CBC for Communications dropped 40 percent, according to the university. Since the UBA clear that there was a decline in all faculties, about 22.4 percent on average, and explained on the economic rebound and the emergence of similar courses at other universities. Anyway, the race director of Communication Sciences, Postolski Glenn admits that also influences the extent of the completed.

"It's the end of the explosion, a rearrangement" Undersecretary of Planning explained the CBC, Martha Hughes. "Fifteen years ago, communication was a boom and was a beast of entries. Now amesetó "illustrates Hughes, based on a graph that shows how from 2004 to 2009, recorded a notice went from just over 2700 to 1600, a number similar to that seen before the boom of the mid 90s. To the staff of the CBC, "are fashion, part of a phenomenon that was repeated in several careers as Fashion Design." Glenn

Postolski, brand director of the career of Communication Sciences, elected for the period 2010-2012, the decline in student recognizes and analyzes various causes. Some exceed the faculty itself, as the social question the figure of the communicator. "There is a crisis of professional field which affects the student's imagination," says Postolski, who as a graduate career recalls that "at some point there was a boom in new students connected with the economic hardships facing the country. With economic recovery, it is possible that a portion of them have turned to private universities. " Hughes

subscribe to that hypothesis. The official noted that in the years immediately following 2001, runs as Communication "sounded attractive to all young people who would not touch in a very long race, whose profession need an authorization certificate, such as medicine and law. "

The drop in enrollment can also be explained by the emergence and development of the careers of Journalism and Communication at public universities in the metropolitan area, such as Quilmes or General Sarmiento. To Postolski, the main competition UBA faces today are not private careers in journalism, but the content production or entertainment. "Communication has become a much more complex and need to start generating specific knowledge offers are now vacant, "he says.

Thus, the least amount of entrants also allows readings related to one's academic offerings. "Our race is too long," admits the director. The average course of our graduates is seven years and this is something we must solve: how to adapt our content, which are very rich, an undergraduate degree does not give a new official title to the seven, eight years, " illustrated.

The need to reform the curriculum becomes more relevant when one considers that the program is virtually the same since 1985, when he founded the race. There were several attempts to modify over the years, but never prospered. Are there reasons to get excited this time? "Now we set up a weekly discussion forum will run from mid-August," says Postolski. His intention is to reach Communication Conference, scheduled for November, with possible solutions to the two main problems of communication: the excessive length of the training and the high number of compulsory subjects.

Postolski The proposal is that the race has the greatest possible amount of quarterly materials to make it closer to an actual duration of five years. Also aims to reduce the number of courses (up about twenty-six the common core) and increasing electives, so that there is "greater flexibility in the path of students." Not be an easy process and you anticipate some resistance. "It is difficult for someone who is now a compulsory subject which is proposed as Elective going to be happy-evaluated. It is also possible that the mode of electives, taught one semester every other, generates another way of working inside the chairs and be beneficial for teachers and researchers. "

To modify this panorama, the current director is betting on the series of talks that begin next month and will be open to the entire educational community. "We want to build consensus as we put together the proposal."


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