Sunday, May 1, 2011

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Digital innovation and professional development in the publishing field


On Tuesday May 3 at 18 hours will be held at the Faculty of Philosophy and Free Round Table Conference: Digital Innovation and professional development in the publishing field

The appointment will be at the headquarters of Puan 480, 250 classroom.

With the presence of Peter Collingridge and George Walkley (England) * and Dr. Laura Torchio and Mr. Carlos Neri (Race Edition)

Collingridge and Walkley have been invited to Argentina by the British Council in the framework of the International Book Fair. This conference will present case studies of successful digital strategy and will introduce the public in the development of new skills and knowledge that must accompany these technological advances in the publishing industry.

Along with the foreign lecturers, part Dr. Laura Torchio, Professor of Publishing and Author Rights, and Mr. Carlos Neri, Professor of Electronic Publishing and Multimedia, Editing Career. Their contribution discussion will focus on the implementation of new technologies in the publishing industry, the opportunities in publishing university are generated, and its place in the existing legal framework in the country's copyright.

The Conference will have simultaneous translation .

recommend to students in that class time learning in other subjects to contact their teachers, because many subjects consider this activity of interest to their students and plan to attend in full.

you there! FEI

Issue Editions, a publishing house that pursues innovation in the industry and help define the future of books. Enhanced Editions released several titles by different authors, including Charles Dickens. He was selected by The Evening Standard as one of the fifty most influential people in London, and was finalist of Young Publishing Entrepreneur of the Year in 2009, the British Council. He completed his studies in Literature at the University of Edinburgh and is a recognized speaker at publishing conferences in different European countries.

* George Walkley

is who makes it possible to implement digital strategies at Hachette UK, a publishing group which includes Hachette Children, Headline, Hodder & Stoughton, John Murray, Little Brown Book Group, Octopus and Orion. He specialized in digital strategy and development, social networking and editorial marketing. Worked as director of Marketing and Director of Digital Strategy at Little Brown Book. Developed different workflows for digital production, contributed to the strategic operations of Hachette and created new digital businesses, including the availability of texts to iPhone and other mobile devices.

Walkely is an experienced speaker at industry related conferences. Participated TOC (Tools of Change) for Publishing, Frankfurt, The Publishers Association International Conference, The Bookseller's Futurebook, London Book Fair Digital Conference and Marsh CMT Conference.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Braces Colour Selector That Looks Realistic

Theoretical and practical course in May Hypnosis


Course theory and practice of hypnosis

to control

your stress

your anxiety

your life

If you're interested in learning how to take control of your fears, your phobias, your sorrows, your traumas, your limitations and want to help others make their own control, This course is for you.

With Prof. . Rey Martinez

Featured hypnotherapist, known as "The King of Hypnosis" in both Californias. gave the Professor of Clinical Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy at the Autonomous University of Baja California.

8 Monday, 7 to 10 pm

A Starting Monday May 9

DISCOUNT up to $ 700 pesos

Cost Regular if away his place for $ 500 pesos before May 4

REGULAR COST: $ 2.500 pesos (includes materials and record-completed 80% attendance-).

COST SPECIAL: $ 2,000 in two payments biweekly, paying 5 to May 8


place: In Scale, integral development center

Otay University Plaza Soriana in Local 22

(between the UABC and Technology old)

Information and registration: (664) 607 51 63 / 607 52 67

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Can Psoriasis Cause A Lymph Node To Swell

Full Course E-Marketing for microentrepreneurs. From 4 to June 19

Full Course

E-Marketing for micro

From 4 to June 19

Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. 36 hours in total

Learn to promote their products and services using free resources and low cost on the Internet. Access to advertising on social networks, search engines and others.

Aimed at microentrepreneur requiring:

-promote products or services using low-cost resources on the Internet

Requirements: wireless laptop computer. Open Office or Microsoft Office installed, computer skills, Internet, e-mail.

Payment methods: Cash, deposit or transfer: $ 3.000 pesos in 2 weekly payments. PROMOTION: $ 2700 in payment

includes materials. Be issued a certificate of participation.


Instructor: Mr. Mercedes Romero. photographer, designer, webmaster and cultural promoter.

Co-Director of Cultural Weekly Log and cultural center Scale

Scale integral development center

University Plaza Soriana, Local 22 and 23,

Otay Universidad, Tijuana BC

Tels: 607-5163 / 607-5267

Roulette Calculation Of Probability

The ABC of the PC. From May 31 to June 16

El ABC de la PC

Curso práctico intensivo para principiantes

Windows, Internet, correo electrónico y Word

Del 31 de Mayo al 16 de Junio

Tuesday and Thursday from 6 to 9 pm. 18 hours in total

Recovery Fee: $ 1.800 pesos

(PROMOTION: $ 1.500 pesos in pre-registration)

Requirements: wireless laptop computer.

Info and registration:

Scale. Cultural center for human development

Plaza Soriana University, Local 22 Fracc. Otay Universidad, Tijuana. BC

Tels (664) 607 51 63 / 607 52 67

* constacia be awarded for participation upon request.

* free course without official recognition or validity studies.

Watch Movie From Stick On Tv

Study digital photography. Intensive course. From 3 to May 26

Study digital photography. Intensive

3 to May 26. Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6 to 9 pm. 24 hours

Learn everything you need to build your own digital photography business

-Capture RAW

-lighting techniques for portraits of children and adults

-Post-production with Photoshop, Lightroom and other professional programs

-digital retouching face

-Changing funds using Chroma Key

-Special Effects, mounts, frames and borders

Recovery Fee: $ 2400 pesos. ($ 2000 in pre-registration)

limited space 8 participants

Requirements: DSLR Camera with flash, integrated or dedicated. Knowledge of photographic techniques. Laptop and computer skills at the intermediate level

Instructor: Mr. Mercedes Romero. professional photographer.

Photographic Workshop Scale

integral human development center ,

University Plaza Soriana, Local 22

Fracc. Otay Universidad, Tijuana BC

Tels: 607-5163 / 607-5267

Snowboarding, Why Is My Calf Sore

Basic Digital Photography Course in May on weekends

You get the camera now learn to use

Full Course Digital Photography

Learn photography photographers

Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 4 pm

Module I - Basic 14 and May 15

Module II - Technique: 21 and May 22

Module III - Lab: 28 and May 29


Digital Camera (DSLR) Modules I and II.

laptops, and computer literacy module III.

Recovery Fee: $ 2400 pesos to 3 payments

(Promotion: $ 2.000 pesos in 2 payments, $ 1800 in 1 payment)

include books and materials.


Instructor: Mr. Mercedes Romero. professional photographer.

Reports and registration:

Photographic Workshop Scale

cultural center for human development ,

University Plaza Soriana, Local 22 and 23,

Fracc. Indeco University, Tijuana BC

Tels: 607-5163 / 607-5267

*Se otorgará constacia de participación upon request.

* free course without official recognition or validity studies.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Create Custom Cars For Midnight

INDIVIDUAL CONSULTATIONS Integral Medical Biomagnetism


Integral Medical Biomagnetism

Through magnet restores balance cellular, biochemical and emotional person. Technical quick and easy. No pain, no drugs, no laboratory tests.

With Victor Villarreal, certified therapist Dr. Goiz, discoverer of the art.

COST (FIRST REPORT): $ 500 pesos. Includes tracking, location, or to correct imbalances and determining the number of sessions required (minimum 3 and maximum 12). All sessions begin and end with a survey of bioenergy, through a biometric.

MEETING HOUSE DURATION: than 45 minutes to 1 hour. (The first appointment can last about 2 hours)

Consultation appointment, TUESDAY, 3 to 8 pm.

Tels 607 51 63 / 607 52 67

In La Escala, integral human development center

Soriana Plaza

Otay University Local 22 (between the old Tech UABC)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

How To Jamaican Stewed Beef

The second stage of building unique, ready

Página/12 , 26/02/2011:

was an expected date for Social

The building is located in Santiago del Estero to 1000. Dean Caletti presented the works that enabled 60 new classrooms.

by Federico Poore

Expected and claimed by many, the Social single building finally takes shape. Sergio Dean Caletti yesterday presented the second stage of the work of the building in Santiago del Estero to 1000 and announced the tender for the last phase project, which promises to hold races there all the faculty. In the meantime, Communication and Political Science and moved its headquarters to the former factory and joined Terrabusi Social Work and graduate, they already were. "We hope that this can improve the course of different careers," Caletti.

After commercials, toured the site Página/12 Constitution where more than 10 thousand students will attend from next month and could check the building improvements over the crumbling headquarters and Marcelo T. Ramos Mejía de Alvear.

With the opening of yesterday were equipped 60 classrooms, all freshly painted and natural light. (Some of them were taking the exams in February.) The only planned to be deliberately rooms were dark underground, where studios operate audio and video editing. Each classroom now has an individual heating system and air conditioning.

The star of the new building is the auditorium. Radiant yellow, and up to 630 people, the faculty hopes to avoid turning it into classroom-as happened with some of the theorists who taught at Ramos-and use it instead as a reception hall.

These changes become more tangible if you look out the window on the second floor which gives the party are not recycled from the factory, and compares it with the parts faced so far. In total, this second phase involved an investment of nearly 24 million pesos, from the Ministry of Federal Planning.

Now subtract the third and final stage, which begins in May. This final section divirá into two parts: first, end with the space for classrooms and dining room, and then will face fourth-floor building, offices and library. In total there will be nearly 33 million square feet, including patios, terraces and parking. The most optimistic talk of moving the next year Sociology and Industrial Relations Labour. Thus, the 24 000 active students share the power, finally, a single seat.

Social The unique building is a long demand of the educational community that dates back to 1997, when it opened the headquarters of Centennial Park. The original intention was to relocate the races were teaching at Marcelo T., "but Social exponential growth, especially in communication studies and Labor Relations, made the building more than boy stay," said Caletti.

In this context the project began moving into the street Santiago del Estero, and in March 2003 the Supreme Council of the UBA decided to buy the former factory Terrabusi. Attempts to complete the work as soon as they encountered technical labyrinths and student conflicts, such as decision last year that lasted more than a month and a half. "It was a very long history, it would have been shorter," he admitted Caletti, now he was confident that the new building "a longer reach us."