Full Course
E-Marketing for micro
From 4 to June 19
Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 4 pm. 36 hours in total
Learn to promote their products and services using free resources and low cost on the Internet. Access to advertising on social networks, search engines and others.
Aimed at microentrepreneur requiring:
-promote products or services using low-cost resources on the Internet
Requirements: wireless laptop computer. Open Office or Microsoft Office installed, computer skills, Internet, e-mail.
Payment methods: Cash, deposit or transfer: $ 3.000 pesos in 2 weekly payments. PROMOTION: $ 2700 in payment
includes materials. Be issued a certificate of participation.
Instructor: Mr. Mercedes Romero. photographer, designer, webmaster and cultural promoter.
Co-Director of Cultural Weekly Log and cultural center Scale
Scale integral development center
University Plaza Soriana, Local 22 and 23,
Otay Universidad, Tijuana BC
Tels: 607-5163 / 607-5267
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