Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Milena Velba No Computer


Going into the semester, students come PUEF paddling hard to stay in the race. The situation is difficult: increasing transport, food, rents, notes, etc.., Showing that with the whispering of the crisis Kirchner are paying students.

is time to resume the fight for each of our needs, the role of all, to start fixing authorities and the Krisis not cost us the race.

  • Information in the Field: in advance in these years to be implemented Student Affairs Secretariat in the Field of Sports, but still has no proper place or with a phone line. Students can not go running around to find out whether ongoing or if there is unemployment, week-end if it rains, etc.
  • New siding: might not continue to lose every time it rains classes that are not finished works. Just lacks the folder floor!
  • Anatomy: Enough theoretical testimonials. We need to meet schedules for further theoretical in all program content.
  • Human Physiology: Enough bochazos, irregularities and abuse at the final table. Students and we are organizing petitions to stop them with his hand.
  • So you can not, for some time been demanding a proper place for Photocopying Field. The authorities promised parts but still waiting ... No moisture machine supports the extension of the bathroom!
  • Stop theft! : they met four years since construction began closed the bike rack on the field and was never completed. It's a shame because bicycle thefts continue to suffer daily. This is not cause for more!
We propose from each course to discuss how to take from all these problems and organize to solve those responsible. With the Body of Delegates as a tool to reach the ultimate companion, and the petitions, protests and complaints to name any of our course have to leave because they can not banks in this difficult situation.


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