Sunday, June 14, 2009

Printable Communication Cards For Stroke Patients

PUEF - Order report to the Student Welfare Department

The following note asking for a written report on the situation actal of facilities and construction of the sports field was submitted to the Student Welfare Department of the UNLP.

La Plata, June 11, 2009

Mr. Patricio Lorente


University Welfare Secretary

Universidad Nacional de La Plata

S / D:

Through this I have the pleasure of addressing you in order to request a report on the same medium the current state of affairs for facilities and works in our field of sports UNLP:

  • Specification of works for the bike rack closed;
  • Completion of work on the new siding to the sports field;
  • Remodeling and separation of space allocated to the copy center of the Student Center of Humanities and Education;
  • Allocation of adequate space for the intern in the Department of Student Affairs, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of Education.

Given the difficult economic and social college students are going through the current economic crisis, and the lack of responses and actions to remedy this situation by the Government, both social level as in the relevant issues education budget issues, the resolution of these issues are urgently needed and important for faculty and graduate students in physical education.

remain, with the hopes of a prompt and favorable reply, greets atte.

Mediero Juan, leg. No. 77635 / 4,

Prof. Physical Education College

Secretary General of CEHC

UniT Group


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