Curriculum vitae
Gloria Ruiz
Nationality: Argentina
Marital Status: Married
Home Address: 333 Humboldt, Postal Code 1414, Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel 4855 0621 Office: Sarmiento 4287, Postal Code 1197,
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel 4865 9152 E-Mail: @ g.amaicha
TITLE degree in Psychology. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires. Professional Registration: MP 11992.
JOB TRAINING BODY "Body Language Course in Therapeutic Approach", by Susan Evans (1980 - 1982).
"Body Techniques Course" Nuya by Teller (1980).
"Conscious Fitness. Postural correction technique, "by Dr. Irupe Pau (1979-1982).
"Eutony, Postural Correction Techniques, Awareness of Dimensions, energetic movement and muscle tone Balance," by Gerda Vishnivetz Alexander and Bertha (1976 - 1982).
"Senso Gymnastics and Movement Perception. Development of expression of the Body ", by Patricia Stokoe (1975-1977). Course
"Gymnastics Movement Deep Relaxation Technique", by Fedora Aberastury (1971-1973).
training in psychotherapy Transpersonal Therapy Training, Aluminé Center, by Dr. Carlos Martinez Bouquet (2000 to date)
"Training in Healing, Body Psychotherapy," by Dr. Laura Zalzmann, Medical, Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist, specializing in Somatic Psychotherapy (from 1996 to 2000)
Seminar of violence, "by Dr. Carlos Martinez Bouquet (1989). Training
BA, taught at the Instituto Argentino Bioenergetic, by Dr. Martinez Bouquet (1987 to 1990).
Seminar for Sexology, "by Dr. Martinez Bouquet (1987).
"Intensive Seminar Introduction to Clinical Sexology", by Ms. Fine Sáenz, Spain (1986-1987).
Psychoanalytic Psychodrama Training, by Dr. Eduardo Pavlovsky (1985 - 1987). Training
Bioenergetics and Biosynthesis, by Dr. Liliana Acero (1985 to 1995)
Transpersonal Therapy Training, by Dr. Norberto Levy (1984-1987)
Gestalt Therapy Training, by Mabel Allerand (1983-1984) Speaker
and participant in the University Clinic "Dr. A. Cafferata. " Theme: "A model of therapeutic work for seniors, recreation and approached from it by a multidisciplinary team." Argentina Foundation headquarters for Mental Health, FASAM, Buenos Aires (1983)
"Training Course in Gestalt Therapy" by Dr. Florinda Gloser (1982 - 1983).
"Introductory Course in Gestalt Therapy, Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires (1981).
Theory and Techniques of Gestalt Therapy "by Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires (September to November, 1981)
Participant in the "1st. Argentine Meeting of the Movement and Health, "sponsored by the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires and Argentina's National Commission for Unesco (1981).
"Vegetotherapy Course. Therapeutic body technique based on Neo-Reicheanismo "by Lic Dragotto Franco (1980-1981). BUSINESS ACTIVITY
It operates on private practice from 1980 to date. Assistance Group and Individual, Family, Romance.
Clinical Work in the Area of \u200b\u200bPrevention Alvear Hospital, area by Ms. Nuria Blajeroff (1988-1989). Gymnastics Teacher
Conscious and expressive techniques, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires (1982-1984). Bodywork
with Gerontes in "Day Care Center", by Dr. Haydee Andrés (1983). Bodywork
with Gerontes in "Day Care Center" by Dr. Arroyo (1981).
Seminar "The art of living fully," by Dr. Pierre Weill, Aluminé Center, International University of Peace (UNIPAZ) Buenos Aires (2006)
Seminar "yoga voice, opening the heart ", by Ms. Silvia Nakache, Aluminé Center, Buenos Aires (2006)
Workshop for health professionals, taught by Dr. Richard Moss, Harmony Foundation Humanitas (2005)
Seminar "The Art of Living in Peace", by Ms. Cristina Suarez, Aluminé Center, International University of Peace (UNIPAZ) Buenos Aires ( 2005).
Workshop "New Dimensions in Healing", by Eric da Silva Pristan Kart, Open Space, Buenos Aires (2000 - 2006)
Experiential Seminar "Freedom to be yourself", headed by Mr. Kabir Jaffe, University of International Inner Consciousness Sciences, Buenos Aires (1999 - 2001) Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Sexuality and Erogenética", by Dr. Ebah Boyesen, Director of the School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy, London (1999)
Workshop "Gestalt" Armenian Club of Buenos Aires (May 1999). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Transference and Countertransference" by the Kiguel Rubén (Brazil) (1999).
Workshop for psychotherapists, taught by Dr. Richard Moss, Fundación Harmony Humanitas (1998 - 2006)
"Working with families," Annual Seminar by the team of systemic family therapy center of Mental Health No. 1, Hospital Pirovano, Municipality the city of Buenos Aires, in agreement with the School of Psychology, UBA (1998)
Seminar Theoretical Psychotherapy Clinic in biosystems. Neurophysiological Integration of Emotions "by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1998). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Fields Engines and postures of the Soul", led by Rubén Kiguel, Brazil (1998). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Bioenergetics," by Dr. Lowen and Frank Ladsky, New York (May 1998). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop. "Gestalt Therapy, Family and Couple. The realization and change ", by Joseph Zinker (1998-2000).
"The impact of social stress. Its health consequences, "lecture by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1997).
"Theoretical Seminar Clinical Biosystems Group and Family, by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1997). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop. "Retraining in Bioenergetics," by Drs. Ladsky and Lowen. Taught at the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, New York (1997). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Family and Couple Psychotherapy Gestalt", by Dr. Zingu, New York (1997-1998). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Biosynthesis," given by Dr. Eliani Sigueiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1995). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetics", by Dr. Frank. Ladsky, U.S. (1995). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Bioenergetics," by Dr. Heiner Stekel (1993). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetic Analysis", by Dr. Liliana Acero (1993). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetics," by Dr. Eliani Siqueira, Brazil (1993). Theoretical Workshop
Clinical Bioenergetics Training, taught by Dr. John Pierrakos, New York (1993). Theoretical and Clinical Workshop
School of BA New York, "by Dr. Heiner Shekel (1992). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Biosynthesis", by Drs. Mauricio & Vanessa Reiss, Buenos Aires (1990). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "characterological Shell" by Dr. Jorge Stolkiner, Reichian psychotherapist (1989).
"Theoretical Clinical Bioenergetics Workshop" taught by Dr. Frank Lasky, U.S. (1987).
courses and seminars International Congress of Biosynthesis ", Bay of San Salvador, Brazil, (October, 2000.) Directed by D.
Boadela Encounter Somatic Psychotherapy in Biosynthesis ", Curitiba, Brazil (May 2000).
"Training in Biodynamic Psychotherapy. Neo-Reicheana Body Psychotherapy ", created by Dr. Gerda Boyesen, London. Dictated by Rubén Kiguel, Brazil, Mr. F. Levin, France, and Mr. Cristiane L. Gross (France), (1998-2001-2002). OTHER COURSES
Participation IV Iberoamerican Congress of Psychodrama, "Crisis, commitment and transformation: from isolation to meet." May 2003. Clinical Workshops
Anorexia and Bulimia, 2002-2003 by Dr Liliana Mato
National Meeting of Psychodrama Psychoanalytic Society organized by Psychodrama (May 2002).
"Clinic for eating disorders, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, by Dr. Liliana Mato (2001)
" First Argentine Congress of Stress Medicine, "organized by SAMES, Sociedad Argentina Stress Medicine (June 2001).
"Encuentro Argentino Brazilian Somatic Psychotherapy in biosynthesis. Body, Dream and Desire ', Buenos Aires (April 2001).
"Seminar" How to listen to a child ", by Dr. David Nasio, (August 2001).
"Seminars in Psychotherapy" Rubén by the Kiguel, (1999-2002).
Posted by BA in psychology UBA