Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Pattycake Online My Dots

Tell me, BSc (no, not I think of a more original title, sorry)


As we all know, this week is something of vital importance to the nation's future, is closely related to the faculty, career and blog. No, what law, I refer to the classification of the World Cup soccer team, obviously.

Inspired by the situation, go two appointments. Magazine Says

Barcelona: Predicted

escraches, destruction of imported cars, impalements promising young preventive and not discarded the "effect" Andres Escobar "warn
that if Argentina does not qualify for the World Cup, fans would mitigate his anger by hunting for cracks

(...) In the week after the defeat of the Argentine national team against Brazil and Paraguay, it emerged that the former military Alfredo Astiz torturer lived a difficult episode street when a passerby mistook the defender Gabriel Heinze, threatened to beat him and shouted "blond son of a bitch we will kill you." The unfortunate incident experienced by the ocean, which unfortunately did not pass over, graficaría the "intense desire of the fans of ever crossing the street with a football player," according to assess the degree Alabarces.
see how close they are to be met Alabarces few words some time ago, when he said, before anyone saw it coming, in the "Maradona, or the overcoming of Peronism by other means", in Football and Homeland or one of his 42 books on fóbal, endurance, and other hooligan-do not ask me-I get to review the following:

quiet hope: at one with a future repeat of this book, Maradona will be the Argentina coach, and will win another world championship. My analytical skills will be put seriously in doubt, but at least I earn points as a prophet. All this, of course, if you die before.
(quoted by him-self-citations-in a theoretical 2008 ( pdf, html ) after Basile's resignation and early buzz about the new DT)


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