Wednesday, December 15, 2010

His Hand On My Bare Bottom

YOGA Classes

• Morning

With Aleks Zizumbo

Wednesdays and Fridays, 8:30 to 9:30 a.m.

• Evening

With Maytorena Masabi

Tuesdays and Thursdays, 6 to 7 pm

Monthly in both cases: $ 300 pesos

Scale . Development Center integral

University Plaza Soriana, Local 22.

Fracc. Otay Universidad,

Tels: 607 51 63 / 607 52 67

Friday, October 15, 2010

Kitchen Forrent Columbus

True revolutionaries never succeed

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Brazilian Way Hollywood

Assembly, representation and legitimacy test-tables

I'm too tired to say in general about the university conflict (about which, in summary, I think all parties should do some serious self-criticism) but I will talk about anything in particular I do not want to leave pass.

not bother me that a meeting be declared legitimate representative of the students: no student body more democratic than that in the power, if we are righteous. But for this to be valid, must make room for all students to participate in it.

today denied a student the word, simply by the fact that the PRO . This leads to two observations: 1) by implication, those who did contradict his message that the PRO is equal to the national government, and that those who sympathize with the latter around the world lets them talk. 2) I have no sympathy with either the Government or the PRO, but can still be considered legitimate body representative of the student movement declares that the students are not eligible to participate in it? What fundamentals?

not only the decision itself is questionable (I think I should revert to a point of order as soon as you start the next meeting, authorized to speak to anyone who so desires), the methodology was the dirtiest I saw (in through assemblies that are being cleaned): 25 people voted for the 700 present and almost no one understood what they voted in the midst of crying. (Not true, however, I read that the PRO said on Twitter: the "cast" even though "won the option to let talk" do not let them win.)

level numbers do not make a big difference, because they are literally-8 types. But I did not like a fuck, if not noticed. That


Monday, August 2, 2010

Foutmelding Hotmail 80048831

Last week was, for some chairs, the second call in late July. Three of the four editors of this blog on Wednesday there were in the house, early, hoping to yield a subject. The interesting thing is that SIU Guarani system was contradictory and confusing information about the date and time of that final.
Although the academic calendar dates set was July 12 to 24, some chairs had his second call in the week after (ie, from 26 to 30). First small problem I do not know if there was a major problem in some mind but there was inexperienced.
Then, disaster. In a number of steps you have to do in the SIU system Guaraní to score at the end, the time the second call at the end appeared as 17hs, while another appeared 9am. After the registration process one is left a 'reminder' in section Exams - Consultation. There, even until the day of final, we all appear the same information: "Second call, Wednesday 28, 17hs.
For mistrust and caution even suspected of being the logical thing was to go at 9, just days before we send an email to a chair professor who kindly confirmed the schedule. Now I regret not occurred to me to forward to the list of Communication students.

D-Day, at 8:15 there were already more than 90 attendees. More than one will appeal to the faculty, or a teacher will be asked to confirm, or will be sent early in doubt. I wrote down my name and I went to another floor. Around 15:30 I went with my companion blog shed and it had only a few numbers to call us.
Then we find two girls who were newly arrived (well, one had reached the 14 more or less) to yield after 17hs. They spoke with teachers and head *, but refused to take them in spite of believing assessment (or so say some) that the confusion arose because the date was wrong published on the Internet. They spoke with the director of the race and, as told, they said it was a decision of the teacher. My father, who has been attaching here and head in various faculties of the UBA, including the Social, I confirmed this issue.
was only two at the time, but there may be many more to come 17hs (with speculation that the chair) and perhaps the time not enough to evaluate them all. I wondered, what if everyone had arrived at 9am? Logical, especially for those who surrender and crowded end (final mandatory compulsory subjects with and without parallel chairs, as Ferrer or Alabarces) was that with the massive presence of students to separate the assessment day in two or more. From 100 onwards come back another day and that was that.
I do not know what happened around 17hs, because when I went to pay these two girls were gone and did not see anyone else who was in that situation. If anyone knows if they did something about it, tell.

My contribution to the community, more there to tell this story, is the following. The two girls were casually that day to pay their last issue, and insisted that too much. One of them even had until the dissertation done, he told just lacked the final pass.

Finally, to them and who can serve, I copy Article 59 of the Regulations of the Faculty of Social Sciences :

Article 59 °: Those students who were missing 3 (three) subjects or less to finish his career, may request in writing to the Department of Students, the provision of special examination boards the months of the school year for the academic calendar. In such cases, be the owner of the subject defendant who will decide, according to his means, the date of the Special Committee. Between the date of application determined by student and teacher can not mediate more than one calendar month.

That is, if you are 3 subjects or less, you can ask to be evaluated in the span of a month. These girls could do, but the right thing would be for those who can not use this resource more subjects lacking, but have fallen into the traps of the SIU, to pay by October. With a respectful letter to the Direction de la Carrera department students and / or teachers, or by sending an email to the owner himself, I repeat, respectful, asking them to consider the circumstances and not making angry demands, may be able to do some justice.

* avoid naming for this post does not turn into a letter of complaint nor a escrache.

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Should I Wait For Lcd Tv Price To Fall

Which university do we want? A copy paste interesting

If we want to discuss the problems of the race, we should think about what career we want. Within this debate, we might think about what college we want. And for that, we would have to tell us a bit, not to talk crap.

To this end, I recommend reading of this educational and interesting Article magazine produced by the Faculty of Sciences of the UBA which I share below. You can generate controversy and result in zero comments, who knows. I would listen to ideas. -----

"professional or scientific?

Argentines knew conceive many discussions about what college we want. Free or secular, free or fee, elite or mass, with unrestricted entry or oil filter. However, the main crossroads was never raised: do we want a university professional or scientific university? This discussion we still us, everything else is nuance.

Nothing is as it is because. And the university less. All universities in the world adopt models that are useful to their countries and respond to different interests and objectives. The adopted in Argentina was the professionalism, a model based
in creating professional, many good, and preferably at low cost and quickly. The reasons for this decision were many, including: the existence of major schools and professional tuition, and the rise and the need
of the professions. Ultimately, all converged in the creation of universities and professional schools merger (now the Faculty) who have the basic task of producing professionals and follows a particular pattern called professional model.

another model already existed
much older than the professionals, there was a very different university model, which we call science. Was based on the essence of the oldest universities in the world, which can be summarized this way: the university is the place that humanity attempted to reflect on the truth and for knowledge creation
. We find the model in ancient Greece, Plato's Academy and Aristotle's Lyceum, Alexandria, Paris, Bologna, Leiden, Salamanca, Geneva, and many more. This model of university survives in full health scattered around the world. In reality, the first world. In that ancient cauldron cooked a fruitful symbiosis between teaching and scientific research. Since then can not exist without the other, without impairment of efficiency and quality.

Both models were arranged more or less the same time, close to the French Revolution and to a certain neighborhood. The professionalism is established in Paris under the aegis of the emperor, and so called scholars of science education: Napoleonic universities. The scientific model does in Germany, mostly with the ideas of Wilhelm von Humboldt founded the University of Berlin (Now Humboldt University) and specialists have been called scientific model or Humboldt. In a superficial and mistaken reading, some people think that scientists are scientific universities, and professional, professional.

But it is not my idea to make a statement, not least of historical review, which would badly. My intention is to do in this note a characterization of simple, practical, or why not?, A field guide. One, in dichotomous key that allows us to recognize each model and think in practical terms what is the meaning, utility, suitability of each. With easy features to assess for any mortal who specializes in science education or education policy. Here goes.

How college catalog
The first item is cost. The professionalism is cheap. The scientist is expensive. Creating knowledge is an expensive, scientific research very difficult. Instead, buy ready-made knowledge is very cheap, most can be obtained from books. Professionalism, then, is ideal for heavily indebted poor countries like ours, in fact the most common in third world countries, while the scientific model is common in first world countries. It suffices to look at budgets and compare to draw conclusions.

Students are also characteristic. Scientific university students are typically full time. Theoretical problems, seminars and laboratories make the student remains practically the whole day in college. The typical student is a part time professional universities. Usually has a job which supports their studies, and studies at night. In the professional world, the student centers get mad if the School does not offer night shifts. By day, are moors, and at night, crowds.

The curriculum is the mark in the selvage. Scientific universities are characterized by basic cycles common (not to be confused with the CBC, not in principle at least) with intensive training in basic sciences: mathematics, physics, chemistry and biology. For all students, with the same depth and quality. The professionals, however, start the classes with courses in their respective specialties. Hostage to professional content. If doctors have to give them physical, that is, at least, biophysics, or something that has more to do with them and not so intense level. "And what I kinematics if not I need to listen to my patients?" Often ask medical students if they are to teach physics. Teachers also do not know what to say, and often invent absurd scenarios and unconvincing or themselves. Both fell into the trap of content. In the scientific paradigm, the question makes no sense, we all live like the most natural, is not conceived a doctor who can not or do use derived statistics.

These basic courses are usually conducted by the respective departments. For example, courses in mathematics (through which pass all mixed, future mathematicians, physicists, psychologists, accountants, philosophers, etc.) Are given by teachers in the department of mathematics at the university. Thus, universities scientists often have a departmental organization. In contrast, the professionals are organized into academic structures. The first teachers are "generalists" that are rotated among different subjects, the latter, teaching specialists, in them, usually the top specialist takes over a chair and form a kind of academic feud, often impenetrable.

Another feature of qualified candidates is that they are rigid. In science, there are often many electives and common among different races (beyond the basics). The studies are flexible and hard to find two identical graduates training.

A good time to stall a university, if still in doubt, it is noon. A dining hall is ideal for characterization. It's simple: the Humboldt university lunches are fun and exciting, if not, erotic. It's easy to find tables where they eat a future engineer, a future veterinarian, a philosopher and an economist. It is easy to imagine a pep talk, digestive.

Another place where you can clearly see the difference in academic libraries. The scientists are full of students, books, magazines!, Computer terminals with Internet and online catalogs. The professional world, however, is the largest subsidiary of the target industry.

Substances scientific universities have an important interdisciplinary content and have to be done in English. Some people can get excited with this and another can generate urticaria. But so, science is a global company and communicate in a lingua franca.

Let me insert a quote from one of our champions for science, Marcelino Cereijido: "The experts can generate professional universities, or at most scholars, but only in a scientific university leave the wise."

scientific universities are small. The iconic MIT and Harvard not exceed 18,000 students. The last census in the UBA throws a whopping amount of 320,000. Of these, the majority noted in traditional courses without academic or strategic sense. The laws governing market trends enrollment in professional universe. "It became fashionable for journalism?, Macanudo: morning bought a new building and then enter the 40,000 students in communication sciences that will handle the taxis of the future. The universities plan scientific visionary.

With full time teachers with full time students, living together in college, teachers and students are trapped in the tradition of student-teacher training. On the other hand, the student is sentenced to the massive and anonymity.

We can make a crucial question: What is the ultimate academic goal of these types of college? For the Professional: EFFICIENCY. For science: EXCELLENCE.

And I do
Now, suppose you remember the differences between both types of university. What could make a scientific university would prefer to to a professional? I have two important reasons. The first is the science itself. Science is a conception of the universe, a way of dealing with the universe, based on reason, observation, experimentation, irrespective of dogmas, beliefs and the principle of authority is a knowledge system with enormous implications for philosophy, ethics, morality and life. Being a scientist is a personal challenge
each anxious to be free in the minority.

The second is strategic. Base the higher education system in universities professionalism is the best way to chain himself to a model dependent country, dependent on inputs, recipes and knowledge developed in the developed world, consumer and slave imported technologies and knowledge. On the contrary, to have scientific universities is a necessary condition to generate a national project independent. You can not be a sovereign country, and even less rich without science.

Well, I stop here. There should be a guide to more serious and more complete. This is a summary for the public.

From now on
The outlook is not promising. Our teachers' unions are engaged in getting job security, contrary to the principle reformist academic schedule, which will turn the university into a bureaucratic entity and mediocre like a Kafkaesque ministry. Student centers, now dominated by leftist political parties (a new and reactionary left) claim, in their majority, trasnochada idea de que la ciencia es una herramienta de dominación
capitalista y no pueden distinguir entre científica y cientificista. La opinión pública y los medios de comunicación masivos soportan el bombardeo mentecato de los discursos posmodernistas que relativizan el conocimiento científico equiparándolo a creencias religiosas y modas culturales. La cosa está peluda.

Pero aunque parezca una meta inalcanzable, generar universidades científicas no es imposible. La época de oro de la UBA, del 56 al 66, demuestra que en muy poco tiempo se puede patear el tablero y dar un golpe de timón que nos encamine hacia un rumbo de excelencia. Algo tenemos los argentinos, yo no se qué, pero somos el único Latin American country with three Nobel Prizes in science, and thirty other scientific luminaries who did not receive the Nobel Prize, three hundred in top positions throughout the world, and some 60,000 scientists trained yirando here and there. Something needs. Maybe that something will allow us to give us time to reflect on this dilemma and, who knows, one day, take the direction indicated.

is impossible to change the Argentine university system to adopt the scientific model. But there is no valid reason to avoid certain academic groups that are able to adopt it should give up this goal. The time is ripe for a rational partition allows UBA generation one (maybe two) scientific university that our country needs and deserves. today

Friday, July 23, 2010

Lewis Dot Structure For Clf 2 -1

Fewer entrants to shed

Note Página/12

A star is in decline

Entrants to UBA decreased on average by 22.4 percent in the last five years. Communication For this decline has almost doubled and contrasts with the outbreak of fifteen years ago, when exceeded all expectations.

ever knew to be the star of the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Buenos Aires (UBA). However, fewer young people are registered to the career of communication sciences: in the last five years, the number of students admitted to the CBC for Communications dropped 40 percent, according to the university. Since the UBA clear that there was a decline in all faculties, about 22.4 percent on average, and explained on the economic rebound and the emergence of similar courses at other universities. Anyway, the race director of Communication Sciences, Postolski Glenn admits that also influences the extent of the completed.

"It's the end of the explosion, a rearrangement" Undersecretary of Planning explained the CBC, Martha Hughes. "Fifteen years ago, communication was a boom and was a beast of entries. Now amesetó "illustrates Hughes, based on a graph that shows how from 2004 to 2009, recorded a notice went from just over 2700 to 1600, a number similar to that seen before the boom of the mid 90s. To the staff of the CBC, "are fashion, part of a phenomenon that was repeated in several careers as Fashion Design." Glenn

Postolski, brand director of the career of Communication Sciences, elected for the period 2010-2012, the decline in student recognizes and analyzes various causes. Some exceed the faculty itself, as the social question the figure of the communicator. "There is a crisis of professional field which affects the student's imagination," says Postolski, who as a graduate career recalls that "at some point there was a boom in new students connected with the economic hardships facing the country. With economic recovery, it is possible that a portion of them have turned to private universities. " Hughes

subscribe to that hypothesis. The official noted that in the years immediately following 2001, runs as Communication "sounded attractive to all young people who would not touch in a very long race, whose profession need an authorization certificate, such as medicine and law. "

The drop in enrollment can also be explained by the emergence and development of the careers of Journalism and Communication at public universities in the metropolitan area, such as Quilmes or General Sarmiento. To Postolski, the main competition UBA faces today are not private careers in journalism, but the content production or entertainment. "Communication has become a much more complex and need to start generating specific knowledge offers are now vacant, "he says.

Thus, the least amount of entrants also allows readings related to one's academic offerings. "Our race is too long," admits the director. The average course of our graduates is seven years and this is something we must solve: how to adapt our content, which are very rich, an undergraduate degree does not give a new official title to the seven, eight years, " illustrated.

The need to reform the curriculum becomes more relevant when one considers that the program is virtually the same since 1985, when he founded the race. There were several attempts to modify over the years, but never prospered. Are there reasons to get excited this time? "Now we set up a weekly discussion forum will run from mid-August," says Postolski. His intention is to reach Communication Conference, scheduled for November, with possible solutions to the two main problems of communication: the excessive length of the training and the high number of compulsory subjects.

Postolski The proposal is that the race has the greatest possible amount of quarterly materials to make it closer to an actual duration of five years. Also aims to reduce the number of courses (up about twenty-six the common core) and increasing electives, so that there is "greater flexibility in the path of students." Not be an easy process and you anticipate some resistance. "It is difficult for someone who is now a compulsory subject which is proposed as Elective going to be happy-evaluated. It is also possible that the mode of electives, taught one semester every other, generates another way of working inside the chairs and be beneficial for teachers and researchers. "

To modify this panorama, the current director is betting on the series of talks that begin next month and will be open to the entire educational community. "We want to build consensus as we put together the proposal."

Monday, June 14, 2010

Real Looking Braces Colour Selector


is not a good idea to study two subjects at the same time, in different venues, for a while before having to go to third and then laburar in fourth place away from all the above.

Something eventually gives.

Yes, I know: this is to recommend not shaving the groin with a sword if one suffers from severe Parkinson's disease. But do not underestimate the stupidity of the human species, or at least copies of it as you type.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Substitue Coconut Oil For Butter In Baking


theoretical and empirical problems.

Center Multidisciplinary Theoretical Studies and Social Sciences is pleased to invite you to the conference "Public opinion and policy. Theoretical and empirical issues" of doctor Giancarlo Corsi, professor at the Università degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia, to be presented in the auditorium Ricardo Flores Magon in the framework of the Permanent seminars Contemporary Sociological Theory and the Inter-Agency Seminar on General Theory of Social Systems (Niklas Luhmann) UNAM-UAEM, on Thursday June 3 at 11:00 .
look forward to your presence


* attendance certificate will be awarded

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Mera Naam Joker Females

"The Mexican youth. A snapshot of their uncertainty," Presentation of the book by Pedro José Peñaloza. Thursday 27 May, a Graduate Hall.

The Center for Theoretical Studies and Multidisciplinary in Social Sciences are invited to the Presentation of the Book of Pedro José Peñaloza "La Juventud Mexicana. An X-ray of uncertainty. " The appointment is this Thursday May 27 at 18:00 pm in Room 1 Graduate (Leopoldo Zea) Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.
have the participation of Héctor Castillo Berthier (IIS) and Luis Gómez (CETMECS) who comment on the work.
look forward to your presence.
Atte. Dissemination

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Where Can You Customize Soccer Shoes

Tips To re Carlos

(No, Mangone not. Savransky either.)

Best graffiti of all faculty classroom is 208 in one edge of the board, and says in capital letters: Lefties



Thursday, April 29, 2010

Lamp 5 Head Replacement Chades

CHURCH AND POLITICAL, April 29, 2010 Salon 1 FCPyS

By this, they 2010-2 OPS reiterates the invitation to your next meeting, which will address the topic: Church and political power, with the participation of José Vicente GODÍNEZ VALENCIA, Member of the Center for Theoretical Studies and Multidisciplinary Social Sciences FCPyS.
The appointment is on Thursday 29 April at 18:00 in room 1 Leopoldo Zea Graduate
look forward to your presence.
Luis Gómez.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Pinewood Derby Car Design Cannon

Ear to take

"The body is finite, the finitude makes us indefinite. You can you say 'I'm going to get from the dentist and I will get the wheels to the Pope' ... And then you die and neither finished the CBC. "

Gustavo Varela, Professor of Design Seminar, and other materials explaining the shed, Merleau-Ponty

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Pain In Gums, Jaw, And Tongue


OPS makes them the kind invitation to attend its next session, "Migrating a Global Phenomenon "in which we will have the presence of Jesus Gallegos Olvera, Researcher, Center for International Relations, Faculty of Political and Social Sciences.

The next meeting is Thursday 15 April at 18:00 hrs. In Postgraduate Hall 1 of the FCPyS Leopoldo Zea, Building F, 1st floor.

look forward to your presence.


Dr. Luis Gómez Sánchez

CETMECS Coordinator.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What It Take To Be An Actress

perks and reading contracts

"In 2007, a week before the elections, The Nation published an interview with Rabbi Bergman in which the indignant rabbi who would vote with a choripán in one hand and a vote in the other. Meanwhile, around that time, the paper put on top 'Murder in a country' and 'Another stolen on that side. " Why no one says, then, that The Nation puts fear in one hand and vote for the other? "

Stella Martini (approximate date) in the theoretical 03/29/2010

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Da Vc 211 A Win7 Treiber

HIGHER EDUCATION IN MEXICO, March 25, 2010, 18:00 am Room 1 Postgraduate FCPyS

OPS makes them the kind invitation to attend its next meeting "Higher education in Mexico," in which will be attended by Dr. Imanol Ordorika, IIE-UNAM researcher and expert on issues related to higher education.

The event is this Thursday 25 March at 18:00 hrs. in Room 1 Graduate (Leopoldo Zea) of FCPyS.

look forward to your presence.


Luis Gómez

CETMECS Coordinator

Autoradio Kenwood Errore 05

HOW DEEP IS THE CRISIS? February 25, 2010 Hall 1 Postgraduate FCPyS

observations imply diligence, concentration, analysis, systematization. For the third time we opened the series of PAHO has been gathering for more than a year to attend, from the critical gaze of university researchers, the analysis of national and international issues that most impact in our society.
In this third series we have an interest in monitoring the social and economic problems stemming from the crisis, its impact to natural phenomena (earthquakes such as Haiti) analyze the development of public higher education in regional poverty, its relation to migration, the responses of civil society through the organization of civil movements, such as cultural cinema and poetry and the way we learn from them.
Finally, the themes are large, but in the process of knowledge construction from the critical perspective of university research, we are at work to form a platform for dissemination of interdisciplinary scientific work to which we invite you cordially.
A year ago we started with the analysis of the global economic crisis, over the past few months have made decisions of various kinds, what effect have they had? What has been your orientation? Out what conditions have been implemented? "Today we are engaged in a process of dependency? These are questions we intend to open a dialogue with the speakers. This time we started on Thursday 25 February 2010 with Dr. Benjamin Garcia Paez graduate of the Faculty of Economics (FE) and Dr. Isabel Rueda Peiró, Researcher, Institute of Economic Research (IIE). Our date: 18:00 hrs. Room 1 Graduate School of Political and Social Sciences (FCPyS). Ciudad Universitaria.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Comic Dbz Kamehasutra 2

Pure Essence

A place to feel good

Accuracy Of Hiv Testing After 7 Weeks

and Metaphysical Meditation Workshop

"Love is who you are and who always has been. The Soul knows it, but want to do more to know . Want to be on his experience ... "

Weekly meetings of 2 hours: Tuesday, 18 m / h Thursday 19 / Friday 18 h.

  • Metaphysics
  • Relaxation
  • Meditation
  • The Essence of Being
  • Self-Awareness
  • The power rating.
  • positive approach.
  • Technical -vibrational energy.
  • vibration with sound-images.
  • The Twelve Rays.
  • Triple Flame expanding.
  • the presence Unit I Am.
  • alignment and balance of the lower body.
  • Realignment with the Axis Divine.
  • Owning the spinal route.
  • auric clearing and protection.
  • chakra clearing and alignment of planetary and solar.
  • rooting techniques.
  • Dissolution of beliefs, thoughts, feelings and patterns is no light.
  • exercises with the energy of the Pleiadian Emissaries of Light.
  • Meditation with Angels, Archangels, Elohim, Ascended Masters and Beings of Light.
  • New techniques: Ray Area Light, Lightning Synchronization Ascension Hologram of Love
  • Light Absorption and projection.
  • conscious co-creation, pragmatic and positive reality.
  • The state of flux.
  • Spiritual laws applied to the everyday.
  • planetary healing.

Waxing After Airbrush Tan

"A bridge between heaven and earth, that brings the highest thought (one that contains Joy), clearer words (those that contain Truth) and the greatest feeling (called Love) Joy, Truth, Love! "
  • Meditations of Light
  • A bridge between Heaven and Earth.
  • sweeten the soul absorbing Heavenly Light.
  • Film shows to expand consciousness
  • Reflection with printed material
  • Meditation application.

Bloons Ipod App Walkthrough

Saturday for the Soul Healing Christ - theoretical and practical course

"I am the Way, the Truth and the Life"


  • Christ awaken and activate the Interior.
  • Expand into the Christ Consciousness.
  • Healing with sacred symbols.
  • Christic Becoming a Healer.


  • Christ Healing: concept.
  • 's true identity: Who am I?
  • seven bodies.
  • The atom and the electrons.
  • Interior connection with Christ. Triple Flame.
  • The energy of the Twelve Rays.
  • The Christ: conceptualization in three meanings: the Christ within, the historical Christ, the cosmic Christ.
  • Methodology.
  • Christ-the Healer. Characteristics.
  • Mentalism Law and the Law of Karma.
  • What will I heal?
  • The road to healing. Delivery.
  • flow of God.
  • The Christ Consciousness.
  • Sage Interior.
  • Anchoring the presence I am to the lower bodies.
  • personal purification.
  • Christic Love.
  • Balancing the Heart with Reason.
  • The Spirit - The Soul.
  • The Voice of the Spirit.
  • The spiritual attitude.
  • Dharma.
  • rededication, in conscience, in the Temple of the Sacred Heart.
  • Sacred Healing Symbols.

Duration: 10 classes.

Materials: Each class includes theoretical material.

Certificate: After completing the course will receive a certificate unofficial.

Facilitator: Sandra Petruccelli .

Registration: 4768-8023

Zoplicone How Many To Be Dangerous

Children and Youth of Today

Pedagooogía 3000 About

Workshop for Teachers and Parents


  • Know New features of children and young people today. Orient
  • education, marital status and the personal bond complying with the new characteristics of children and youth of today.
  • Harnessing the power and potential of children and young people new to the common good.
  • create new educational and relational strategies adapted to children and young people today.


  • Children and Youth in the Third Millennium
  • Who are
  • Generations Features
  • New Education: Teaching Methodology and Practical Tools.
  • New Tools: Bio-smart, bio-morphic, Bio-reclosers.
  • Guidelines for the link and coexistence.

Duration: 8 classes.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

What Antivirus Combination With Avira

León Sarmiento and teacher salaries

"(...) The theme of education is one of the most common places lined by the usual culture of Argentina. The delightful testimonies we shot in Abel Posse short but successful management can be a good example was a Posse allegedly Sarmiento orthodox, but his right-wing rapid and proven intellectual disability prevented him from leaving the silliness of the ministry and "the people affected by the strikes are the students." Sarmiento today would be a Trotskyist militant teachers' unions more radicalized, and the mere mention of which $ 1,900 can be a civilized wage would rewrite the Facundo. (...)"

Pablito Alabarces in Critical , 14/02/2010

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Da Vc211a Win7 Treiber


Thursday, February 18, 2010

Los Hombres De Paco The Movie Online


This session is scheduled on February 25, 2010.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Hermaphrodita Futanari Online

Complaints about the registration - Issue LXXVIII

I've heard stories of students other universities, beside you, leave me anything that has happened in the UBA as a bean, but as we are a spoiled assholes, go a few comments on the Classic in February and July / August: the registration materials.

As I am an idiot (see the first complaint is about me) I did not realize I register on time faculty, that I wanted to do while deciding the direction, so there was no way to score on the specifics of it . But this was not the only obstacle. It happens that as we are leaving less in the Darwinian race to the end of the race, the rates for fees and schedules are much less extensive and varied, the shortage of students. So if you work, or if a mental patient who does not want recorded in 3 subjects that fall when all World Cup matches, or both together and others also will be a very complicated schedule when the options are scarce.

There is an element that provides flexibility: the optional seminars. 10, 15 or 20, of which one chooses one or two that interest you, perhaps for the thesis or perhaps simply for pleasure.

But this flexibility is going to hell when, without warning or explanation take the offer of a year for the other seminars that you had planned to do. Such was the case this year, a seminar given by Castillo, Economy Minister: "The formation of economic discourse as a discourse of power: economic policy and the media, I thought it had an interest. He was not alone, if I remember correctly.

As I did not care to do that than, say, "Identities, social discourses and technologies of gender. Contemporary Debates", I was half in balls, although I ended up rummaging through a time hole to get into another seminar if I want, although the high cost of losing some of the size of Portugal vs. Vs Denmark and Chile. Switzerland.

A in, then, and is entered in a couple more. Or at least one second, in exchange for taking the time to prepare a final pair of earrings. It was not easy: the few combos that could produce were falling for reasons that seemed made of hair. In some chairs, there are four committees (great!), But ... Four in exactly the same day, same time! Not very helpful. Luckily this area was chair parallel: at night, and two committees of practical ... also at the same time. And at a time that overlapped with the other he had in mind to do. OK, I move to schedule the other, then, to see how I have in Excel I took the plunge ... Uh, but fuck it, the other also has all commissions at the same time! And


All this happened, I'm not making a word. Despite beginning the design schedule on Thursday, a day before registration opened, and have done a draft in January based on the supply of 2009, recently ended on Monday, closing day of it, after four days of semi-complete dedication to this work of engineering. The result was a 65-story luxury tower, anyway. Thanks I enrolled in 3 subjects, two of which not only overlap a little (but theoretical schedule, something that I can survive) but above are in different locations! And I turn to the suburbs capital at midnight, when not running the greatest achievement of civilization, that is the subway. No I will have the Tuesday at 5 AM on the roof of the headquarters Constitution, but hit the post.