Saturday, April 16, 2005
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Positivism refers to the movement led in the nineteenth and twentieth century to exalt the facts against the ideas, to emphasize the hard sciences compared to the theoretical, and physical and biological laws against philosophical constructs, which was launched by Auguste Comte (1798 - 1875), who claimed that the human mind was completed three states:
status theological.
metaphysical status
positive status.
In the nineteenth century critics of Kantis took two radically different philosophical positions regarding the metaphysics, which revived the problem of being: Hegel's idealism, I try to explain from being the sole reason, and the positivism of Comte that attempt to explain reality from the one experience of the senses.
Comte's positivist philosophy differs radically from Hegel's idealism. For the positivists, the only thing was real and existent what can be seen, measured and cataloged through the scientific method. Everything else was false and illusory. Therefore, the propositions of metaphysics can not be regarded as true, because their contents do not come from experience.
For Comte, metaphysics was a way of knowing of an era of mankind, which was doomed to be overtaken by the positivist era, where the illusions of reason, those ideas had no basis in reality positive would be discarded and forgotten.
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ERNST MACH (1838 - 1916)
Ernst Mach, was a prominent Austrian physicist, philosopher and psychologist. In his research work, managed to establish important principles of optics, acoustics, mechanics, and wave dynamics. In addition, he advocated the idea that all knowledge is a conceptual organization and endorsed the view that all knowledge is a conceptual organization of data obtained through sensory experience or observation.
He served as professor of physics in 1901 in Vienna. His main interest was the study of nature and some principles of physics, especially mechanics, using a method in their investigations both historical and analytical, the first to find the intrinsic nature and the second to observe how these are developed. For Mach, concepts such as the self, are a complex of sensations, which may be of various kinds: flavor, color, time, space, pain, pleasure, etc.. Rule out the existence of physical and psychological realities antagonistic to each other, both aspects are of the same reality. Scientific
Ernst Mach, was a prominent Austrian physicist, philosopher and psychologist. In his research work, managed to establish important principles of optics, acoustics, mechanics, and wave dynamics. In addition, he advocated the idea that all knowledge is a conceptual organization and endorsed the view that all knowledge is a conceptual organization of data obtained through sensory experience or observation.
He served as professor of physics in 1901 in Vienna. His main interest was the study of nature and some principles of physics, especially mechanics, using a method in their investigations both historical and analytical, the first to find the intrinsic nature and the second to observe how these are developed. For Mach, concepts such as the self, are a complex of sensations, which may be of various kinds: flavor, color, time, space, pain, pleasure, etc.. Rule out the existence of physical and psychological realities antagonistic to each other, both aspects are of the same reality. Scientific
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Auguste Comte Positivism (1798 - 1875)
was born in Montpellier, was raised a Catholic but lost his faith during his adolescence, while doing his studies as an intern in high school. Early math entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris at age 16. In 1817 he was appointed secretary of Saint - Simon, his relationship this character makes him aware of
political and social problems, in addition to completing his intellectual formation.
In 1842 he writes "Course of Positive Philosophy", his most crucial from the standpoint of economic and social. To Comte's philosophy stems from the community, not the individual.
His most important works are:
positive political system,
The Catechism of Positivism
The discourse on the positive spirit
positivism is considered the fundamental principle of true knowledge, where knowledge is only possible from the experience by the senses. This is considered the source and criterion last of certainty. Positivism want to establish a clear identity between scientific knowledge and philosophical knowledge.
Among the influences generated by the philosophy should be noted Comtean English positivism, which is characterized by two major trends:
Utilitarianism: is ethical positivism, whose ultimate goal is the pursuit of happiness. The best is the most useful, for which the utility becomes the basis or measure of morality.
pragmatism: it is an empiricism that sees the truth in terms of usefulness and success. Privileges action on theoretical principles, by what he considers the practical value as a criterion of truth.
sense positivism is understood as something useful and real, resulting in a feeling of solidarity that reaches all social classes without exception, therefore
science should cover those activities that promote development.
The order and progress are the main components of the state and responsible for the happiness
Their romantic relationship was smooth, Comte very young married woman who had to make a living as a prostitute, their relationship was not the best then Comte falls in love with Clotilde de Vaux which influences on his thought from the moment calls for forming a religion in which great men were the true saints. This lady died a year later the beginning of the relationship.
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was born in Montpellier, was raised a Catholic but lost his faith during his adolescence, while doing his studies as an intern in high school. Early math entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris at age 16. In 1817 he was appointed secretary of Saint - Simon, his relationship this character makes him aware of
political and social problems, in addition to completing his intellectual formation.
In 1842 he writes "Course of Positive Philosophy", his most crucial from the standpoint of economic and social. To Comte's philosophy stems from the community, not the individual.
His most important works are:
positive political system,
The Catechism of Positivism
The discourse on the positive spirit
positivism is considered the fundamental principle of true knowledge, where knowledge is only possible from the experience by the senses. This is considered the source and criterion last of certainty. Positivism want to establish a clear identity between scientific knowledge and philosophical knowledge.
Among the influences generated by the philosophy should be noted Comtean English positivism, which is characterized by two major trends:
Utilitarianism: is ethical positivism, whose ultimate goal is the pursuit of happiness. The best is the most useful, for which the utility becomes the basis or measure of morality.
pragmatism: it is an empiricism that sees the truth in terms of usefulness and success. Privileges action on theoretical principles, by what he considers the practical value as a criterion of truth.
sense positivism is understood as something useful and real, resulting in a feeling of solidarity that reaches all social classes without exception, therefore
science should cover those activities that promote development.
The order and progress are the main components of the state and responsible for the happiness
Their romantic relationship was smooth, Comte very young married woman who had to make a living as a prostitute, their relationship was not the best then Comte falls in love with Clotilde de Vaux which influences on his thought from the moment calls for forming a religion in which great men were the true saints. This lady died a year later the beginning of the relationship.

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PointCare HENRI (1854 - 1912)
- French philosopher, studied at the Polytechnic School and High School Mines de Paris. He taught at the University of Caen from 1879 to 1881, was a lecturer at the University of Paris from 1881 to 1885, when he was appointed professor of physics and mechanics after mathematical physics (1886) and celestial mechanics (1896)
One the most celebrated supporters of so-called convention, a thesis that seeks to demonstrate scientific laws only provide partial or subjective information about the course of events and prove that, to overcome this limitation, we must turn to other activities of the human spirit. Within
stand epistemological research on space observations and explanations mechanical phenomena. The first issue, since the discovery of geometries corresponding to the real nature of space, for him, the geometric axioms are neither synthetic a priori judgments nor experimental facts, so that the geometry is not a science necessary nor physics, but an idealization of experiencia.Para Poncaré, the main purpose of science is to inform us about the relationships between objects, which crystallizes in the physical laws
One the most celebrated supporters of so-called convention, a thesis that seeks to demonstrate scientific laws only provide partial or subjective information about the course of events and prove that, to overcome this limitation, we must turn to other activities of the human spirit. Within
stand epistemological research on space observations and explanations mechanical phenomena. The first issue, since the discovery of geometries corresponding to the real nature of space, for him, the geometric axioms are neither synthetic a priori judgments nor experimental facts, so that the geometry is not a science necessary nor physics, but an idealization of experiencia.Para Poncaré, the main purpose of science is to inform us about the relationships between objects, which crystallizes in the physical laws
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Charles Peirce (1839 - 1914) Positivism
American physicist and philosopher, born in Cambridge (Massachusetts .) Educated at Harvard University. Between 1864 and 1884 he taught intermittently logic and philosophy at the Johns Hopkins and Harvard universities, and in 1877 became the first U.S. delegate to the International Geodetic Congress.
philosophical method known as the founder of pragmatism, which was later called pragmaticism, suggests looking at the practical effects the meaning of the ideas and beliefs seen in the rules of action arising from the thought, for this, according to him in action and only it finds its meaning and value in thought;
American physicist and philosopher, born in Cambridge (Massachusetts .) Educated at Harvard University. Between 1864 and 1884 he taught intermittently logic and philosophy at the Johns Hopkins and Harvard universities, and in 1877 became the first U.S. delegate to the International Geodetic Congress.
philosophical method known as the founder of pragmatism, which was later called pragmaticism, suggests looking at the practical effects the meaning of the ideas and beliefs seen in the rules of action arising from the thought, for this, according to him in action and only it finds its meaning and value in thought;
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Comte says that in all areas of its business, humanity evolves as it passes through three stages:
The theological state, during which humanity explain phenomena using myth and belief.
metaphysical status, during which man surpasses the theological state, making use of reason.
The last stage, the better is the positive or real, which exceeds the previous two.
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A nineteenth-century society and education in Latin America still had colonial schemes, despite the harsh criticism arising from the illustration. Therefore thought it was necessary to attack those old colonial forms and to propose a new way to get to the truth than the scholastic method.
A novel philosophical positivism, proporciono entonces a los pensadores latinoamericanos los fundamentos teóricos para hallar la verdad de las cosas en los hechos y en los fenómenos.
Los pensadores latinoamericanos asimilaron la doctrina positivista, creada por Comte, y la aplicaron a nuestra realidad. Con el positivismo se lograron superar los rezagos coloniales y se creo una conciencia empírica.
El país que recibió más influencia del positivismo fue México. Allí marcó la vida política, educativa y social, al punto que Gabino Barreda, discípulo de Comte, organizo la educación del país por encargo del gobierno.
A nineteenth-century society and education in Latin America still had colonial schemes, despite the harsh criticism arising from the illustration. Therefore thought it was necessary to attack those old colonial forms and to propose a new way to get to the truth than the scholastic method.
A novel philosophical positivism, proporciono entonces a los pensadores latinoamericanos los fundamentos teóricos para hallar la verdad de las cosas en los hechos y en los fenómenos.
Los pensadores latinoamericanos asimilaron la doctrina positivista, creada por Comte, y la aplicaron a nuestra realidad. Con el positivismo se lograron superar los rezagos coloniales y se creo una conciencia empírica.
El país que recibió más influencia del positivismo fue México. Allí marcó la vida política, educativa y social, al punto que Gabino Barreda, discípulo de Comte, organizo la educación del país por encargo del gobierno.
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El positivismo recibió duras críticos a comienzos del siglo XX, because to much emphasis on experimental and rejected any expression related to spirituality and inwardness of Latin American man.
This reaction led to the beginning of a new stage in the development of thought in Latin America, when a group of thinkers, between 1900 and 1930, based on European currents of historicism and vitality, started making original contributions. The main characteristics of this movement were: the study of Latin American people, highlighting the phenomenon of mestizage, the analysis of certain circumstances that hindered the development of philosophy, such as dogmatism and superficiality, the stance address the situation of cultural dependence on the continent to simple imitation.
El positivismo recibió duras críticos a comienzos del siglo XX, because to much emphasis on experimental and rejected any expression related to spirituality and inwardness of Latin American man.
This reaction led to the beginning of a new stage in the development of thought in Latin America, when a group of thinkers, between 1900 and 1930, based on European currents of historicism and vitality, started making original contributions. The main characteristics of this movement were: the study of Latin American people, highlighting the phenomenon of mestizage, the analysis of certain circumstances that hindered the development of philosophy, such as dogmatism and superficiality, the stance address the situation of cultural dependence on the continent to simple imitation.
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Auguste Comte proposes the existence of basic social structures, permanent and always the same, although they progress and are improving as the company moves from one stage to another.
These basic social structures are essentially the following:
The family, which brings true social union and the leading role that takes the man
private property;
spiritual and temporal powers in their mutual relationship.
positivist sociologists warned the danger of both theories of contract in which the individual appears to be the total explanation of society, such as the social universalism of Hegel, which can overrule the individual. Explained why the company's home as an interaction between individuals and groups.
Auguste Comte proposes the existence of basic social structures, permanent and always the same, although they progress and are improving as the company moves from one stage to another.
These basic social structures are essentially the following:
The family, which brings true social union and the leading role that takes the man
private property;
spiritual and temporal powers in their mutual relationship.
positivist sociologists warned the danger of both theories of contract in which the individual appears to be the total explanation of society, such as the social universalism of Hegel, which can overrule the individual. Explained why the company's home as an interaction between individuals and groups.
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allowed only six basic sciences that provide a well structured hierarchy in which each occupies a particular place is not interchangeable with another, thus:
mathematical astronomy
chemical physics physiology
sociology. Comte
For each of the six basic sciences is subject to a gradual evolution through three stages row. Later
places ethics as the seventh fundamental science and as the last and highest of all.
allowed only six basic sciences that provide a well structured hierarchy in which each occupies a particular place is not interchangeable with another, thus:
mathematical astronomy
chemical physics physiology
sociology. Comte
For each of the six basic sciences is subject to a gradual evolution through three stages row. Later
places ethics as the seventh fundamental science and as the last and highest of all.
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religious beliefs and practices based on dogmas and expressed in cultured entered into a regulation. Are positive religions Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Buddhism. This religion was stimulated a beneficial social behavior.
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"Positivism": The name assigned to a nineteenth-century philosophical, exalting the facts against the ideas, experimental or empirical sciences compared to the theoretical and physical and biological laws against buildings philosophy, where it seeks to form a guiding principle of science that organize and form a sequence between them, shows the evolution of humanity to go through three phases (stages): The theological, metaphysical and scientific or positive (see stages Comte), Under these criteria more precisely positivism and scientific positivism is clearly an ideological processes promoting modern humanity lived in the criticism of the environment, tradition and the refreshing change that generates a structural break in science.
evolution as Comte was leaving behind the structure leaving a fully passive ancient and medieval times, marked by the image of a being, supernatural being or body to explain the facts and events worldwide. On the other hand want to promote the explanation of the facts and find the much desired and elusive "truth" by the experience, so tangible, observable and experiences thus creates an incentive modern observation and hence critical for criteria of knowledge.
When experimenting to find a more "reasonable" where the events are objective and less magical, glaring that the tradition is rebuttable and what can never be denied is that in the eyes of all verifiable.
The advances are generating a lot of positive thinking significant since it encourages important research in a modern ideological space where change and discover the world are the foundation of society. Isadore
Agusta Comte: the precursor or parent of positivism was born under a strict Catholic family ("It is understandable then his obsessive desire to change their religious dogma), Comte tube apparently serious problems with their relationships, their economic and his sanity, it is clear why their arbitrary actions to dismiss the ideas of the facts, "is best seen live and think about a life with so many failures."
However, experimental ideas of Comte, exerts a poor but useful method of organization of science subdivided showing them as a whole but with a theoretical mutual dependence and an order of historical development, which has contributed to the passage of time to a decrease or reduction of thought to an increase of knowledge: This is positive since a positive structural study of science creates a person and a more integrated society, "wise" and therefore competitive, but it is difficult trying to acquire or know the science as a whole and it would be superficial and would not have a whole deepening and general science.
The Comte development assigned to the evolution of humanity, is a important step as it shows a new vision and open your eyes to the modern world it leaves behind any theological explanation of the phenomena of the universe, but the positivist is quite radical as it is also considerable and obvious development generated by genetics and the atom, these positions can be demonstrated that extremism is always harmful to society. MARTINEZ
"Positivism": The name assigned to a nineteenth-century philosophical, exalting the facts against the ideas, experimental or empirical sciences compared to the theoretical and physical and biological laws against buildings philosophy, where it seeks to form a guiding principle of science that organize and form a sequence between them, shows the evolution of humanity to go through three phases (stages): The theological, metaphysical and scientific or positive (see stages Comte), Under these criteria more precisely positivism and scientific positivism is clearly an ideological processes promoting modern humanity lived in the criticism of the environment, tradition and the refreshing change that generates a structural break in science.
evolution as Comte was leaving behind the structure leaving a fully passive ancient and medieval times, marked by the image of a being, supernatural being or body to explain the facts and events worldwide. On the other hand want to promote the explanation of the facts and find the much desired and elusive "truth" by the experience, so tangible, observable and experiences thus creates an incentive modern observation and hence critical for criteria of knowledge.
When experimenting to find a more "reasonable" where the events are objective and less magical, glaring that the tradition is rebuttable and what can never be denied is that in the eyes of all verifiable.
The advances are generating a lot of positive thinking significant since it encourages important research in a modern ideological space where change and discover the world are the foundation of society. Isadore
Agusta Comte: the precursor or parent of positivism was born under a strict Catholic family ("It is understandable then his obsessive desire to change their religious dogma), Comte tube apparently serious problems with their relationships, their economic and his sanity, it is clear why their arbitrary actions to dismiss the ideas of the facts, "is best seen live and think about a life with so many failures."
However, experimental ideas of Comte, exerts a poor but useful method of organization of science subdivided showing them as a whole but with a theoretical mutual dependence and an order of historical development, which has contributed to the passage of time to a decrease or reduction of thought to an increase of knowledge: This is positive since a positive structural study of science creates a person and a more integrated society, "wise" and therefore competitive, but it is difficult trying to acquire or know the science as a whole and it would be superficial and would not have a whole deepening and general science.
The Comte development assigned to the evolution of humanity, is a important step as it shows a new vision and open your eyes to the modern world it leaves behind any theological explanation of the phenomena of the universe, but the positivist is quite radical as it is also considerable and obvious development generated by genetics and the atom, these positions can be demonstrated that extremism is always harmful to society. MARTINEZ
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ECHEVERRI, Leonor; Dictionary of Philosophy, Editorial Panamericana, Colombia, 1997.
BURK, Ignacio (1985). "Philosophy." Insula editions. Caracas, Venezuela.
"Short Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1957). Editorial Espasa - Calpe, SA Volume II. Madrid, Spain.
"Barsa Encyclopedia" (1985). Publishing Encyclopaedia Britannica Publishers, Inc.. Mexico.
"Microsoft Encarta 99 Encyclopedia." Microsoft Corporation 1993-1998.
Hirschberg, J., (1968). "Brief History of Philosophy." Editorial Herder. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.
MARIAS, Julian, (1960). "History of Philosophy." 12th edition. Ediciones Castilla. Madrid, Spain.
BURK, Ignacio (1985). "Philosophy." Insula editions. Caracas, Venezuela.
"Short Encyclopedic Dictionary" (1957). Editorial Espasa - Calpe, SA Volume II. Madrid, Spain.
"Barsa Encyclopedia" (1985). Publishing Encyclopaedia Britannica Publishers, Inc.. Mexico.
"Microsoft Encarta 99 Encyclopedia." Microsoft Corporation 1993-1998.
Hirschberg, J., (1968). "Brief History of Philosophy." Editorial Herder. Barcelona, \u200b\u200bSpain.
MARIAS, Julian, (1960). "History of Philosophy." 12th edition. Ediciones Castilla. Madrid, Spain.
Thursday, April 14, 2005
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In this blog you will find the importance of positivism and modernity in our time.
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