Saturday, April 16, 2005

Remove Earings Sarter Earrings

Positivism refers to the movement led in the nineteenth and twentieth century to exalt the facts against the ideas, to emphasize the hard sciences compared to the theoretical, and physical and biological laws against philosophical constructs, which was launched by Auguste Comte (1798 - 1875), who claimed that the human mind was completed three states:

status theological.
metaphysical status
positive status.

In the nineteenth century critics of Kantis took two radically different philosophical positions regarding the metaphysics, which revived the problem of being: Hegel's idealism, I try to explain from being the sole reason, and the positivism of Comte that attempt to explain reality from the one experience of the senses.

Comte's positivist philosophy differs radically from Hegel's idealism. For the positivists, the only thing was real and existent what can be seen, measured and cataloged through the scientific method. Everything else was false and illusory. Therefore, the propositions of metaphysics can not be regarded as true, because their contents do not come from experience.

For Comte, metaphysics was a way of knowing of an era of mankind, which was doomed to be overtaken by the positivist era, where the illusions of reason, those ideas had no basis in reality positive would be discarded and forgotten.


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