Saturday, April 16, 2005

Hyatt Floor Lamp Shades

Auguste Comte Positivism (1798 - 1875)

was born in Montpellier, was raised a Catholic but lost his faith during his adolescence, while doing his studies as an intern in high school. Early math entered the Ecole Polytechnique in Paris at age 16. In 1817 he was appointed secretary of Saint - Simon, his relationship this character makes him aware of
political and social problems, in addition to completing his intellectual formation.
In 1842 he writes "Course of Positive Philosophy", his most crucial from the standpoint of economic and social. To Comte's philosophy stems from the community, not the individual.
His most important works are:
positive political system,
The Catechism of Positivism
The discourse on the positive spirit

positivism is considered the fundamental principle of true knowledge, where knowledge is only possible from the experience by the senses. This is considered the source and criterion last of certainty. Positivism want to establish a clear identity between scientific knowledge and philosophical knowledge.
Among the influences generated by the philosophy should be noted Comtean English positivism, which is characterized by two major trends:
Utilitarianism: is ethical positivism, whose ultimate goal is the pursuit of happiness. The best is the most useful, for which the utility becomes the basis or measure of morality.
pragmatism: it is an empiricism that sees the truth in terms of usefulness and success. Privileges action on theoretical principles, by what he considers the practical value as a criterion of truth.

sense positivism is understood as something useful and real, resulting in a feeling of solidarity that reaches all social classes without exception, therefore
science should cover those activities that promote development.
The order and progress are the main components of the state and responsible for the happiness
Their romantic relationship was smooth, Comte very young married woman who had to make a living as a prostitute, their relationship was not the best then Comte falls in love with Clotilde de Vaux which influences on his thought from the moment calls for forming a religion in which great men were the true saints. This lady died a year later the beginning of the relationship.

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