What is ECA Nobody is
The CEPA Student Checking is the Anti-Imperialist People . We started fighting Menem settings and drivers were at the University of Argentinazo, the national historic village that ended the government of De la Rua, Cavallo and modified many things in our country so that nothing will ever be as before. Defend
Public University and Free because we believe that despite many of its shortcomings can be transformed into a truly Democratic University, where access today marginalized sectors and not denied any current of thought, science that is based in social practice as the criterion of truth and Popular is to help meet the needs of our people. This transformation is impossible without national liberation, which is why we fight for the People's University Released
are facing budget shortfalls, Menem education laws maintained by the government to K and the current economic crisis, we fight for our right to stay in school, demanding the opening of canteens, time bands, tickets student grants and scholarships. For the crisis did not pay the students and other sectors.
We are in different faculties such as Humanities , Medicine, Fine Arts, Psychology , Law, Journalism , Agronomy (UNITA), Engineering (Unity List) and Labour Social (The Current). Students conduct centers Humanities and Medicine.
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