Thursday, April 2, 2009

What Is The Best Car Freshener

Analysis fotocuento

According to the reading "Human societies and family" Françoise Heritiére Auge and the findings of the interview, you may notice the features more marked in the family in the West: Luz Marina's family consists of her husband and 2 children, although Today their children and formed new families, so it lives only with her husband. Despite believed that women should not follow all the rules of man, if you believe the authority in the home is the man must be respected.

Based on the response of Luz Marina Cardona about divorce, we clarify what is proposed in reading when they say: "But to tell the truth when one looks closer, beyond physical relation, carnal, linking the mother with her children, nothing is natural, necessary, biologically based on the family institution "for interviewed, divorce can be considered as an alternative solution to problems that may occur, so if it means the family division, it is clear that the family is very necessary but is not mandatory for the survival of a person.

Although a family is not necessarily made by mother, father and children and to Françoise Heritiere this principle is not universally accepted because the family is not natural but artificial, Luz Marina considers that the scheme above family is the pillar of society, believes that maintaining this scheme is vital for good parenting and that is residential and economic unit elementary through which education occurs and inheritance.

The family is a universal figure, not because there is a universal scheme, but because every society is provided with such a scheme this is not unique, among the characteristics of a family are: the establishment of an economic unit and consumption, the establishment of marriage and the prohibition of incest. Luz Marina believes that although times have changed and sex, and are taken at different ages and unrestricted, to exercise sexuality still must be given the existence of a legal marriage status. Based on the story, the interviewee believes that marriage between relatives should not be given, as there are many people in addition to the family with which you can try to form a new family, thus the emphasis on acceptance of the ban incest as a universal law, which becomes mandatory find partners outside the blood biological groups.

The distribution of tasks by gender has been universalized, so that man and woman under each other. This varies depending on the society they are, on a site that look the most feminine elsewhere could be considered the most masculine. The sexual division of tasks depends on an arbitrary order whose only explanation is that this order has the effect of the 2 sexes again dependent on each other, Luz Marina is clear on this concept, as it accepts that it is sometimes necessary for various situations that men and women assume roles for which they were intended socially, and it did not go to any problem.

For her it is more tolerable than the parent leaves family to be the mother who does it, the children need more than the mother, whom she says because it agrees more with the home, education and welfare of children. Us back to reading the author argues that the only necessary relationship that involves long-term relationships between 2 individuals is motherhood, whether natural or adopted, perhaps without knowing it, that's the reason implied by Luz Marina considered more important the presence of the mother.

The family is what allows society to exist, work, play, the family is the simple specific transcription Elemental society. The respondent has this very clear, because as she herself says, "The family is the cornerstone of society." If it breaks the family, children are out of control, so society is decaying and reaches the point of a general breakdown of values, principles and traditions .

In Western society is taken into account and recognized as part of a family relatives, which coexist with the conjugal family strongly, therefore, believes that Marina can not forget the family that is grown is more, in his opinion is more important than the conjugal family, and that is where you learn the concept of unity, family and institution where one learns from experience as it should be a family. As families have been destroyed, then it is increasingly difficult to follow a pattern, this creates a vicious circle where the family is losing over time the value had from long ago.

reading suggests that for men the links of parentage and lineage solidarity always be a priority since he lives on through his family, but this conclusion is not equal when it comes women. A Although this may be inferred by the response of the interviewee, in her case, always followed closely associated with the family where he grew up, however, out of the interview he said his mother and brothers never spoke in marital status. The latter confirmed that suggests Françoise Heritiere when it comes to married women, saying they hardly find support from their relatives in case of marital crisis.

When reading the question presented to us we conclude that, being universal and apparently necessary to the construction and also the maintenance of life in society, the family is an institution not may disappear? Luz Marina explains that family is important because it is part of a society, the family must be composed of father-mother and child, because where there is respect for mom and dad and children are raised with more discretion, that is, important that the family is not lost and does not disappear.

Finally, we have tried to alter the internal joints of family functioning, that is where ignorance and rejection of this logic has shown the complexity of the creation of the family institution. Family crises are crises of civilization.


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