Thursday, April 23, 2009

Spaceship Car Designs

trial full metal jaket-function sense of culture Antonio Paz

culture from its broadest definition is that complex whole which includes knowledge, belief, art, morals, law, custom and any other capabilities and habits acquired by man as a member of society. However, Everything that makes the individual's actions may be awarded to cultural training at the same time can be analyzed in terms of individual psychology.

According to Anthony Sampson, in the popular view of culture, intelligence has a prominent place and the culture is seen as more intelligent than others, especially from the nearest. This happens in Stanley Kubriks film "Full Metal Jacket", where the first part is the process of detention and adaptation of boys who become Marines to go to war in Vietnam. In this initial part of the movie, play an important role Sergeant Hartman, Private Joker and Private Pyle. From the perspective of Sergeant Hartman membership Navy is a whole way of life, a culture itself that every soldier be appropriated thereafter, as he says Sampson, the feared and ruthless Marine sergeant sees culture as the only that must exist for the soldiers and far superior to the cultures to which they belonged before arriving at recruitment.

mocks even the answers that a soldier gives his hurtful questions, how the answers with the truth and admits he does not believe in the virgin Mary, in the end decide mockingly calling him the nickname "Joker." On the other hand, Private Pyle is a young big and useless, which in the eyes of Sergeant Hartman lack of skills and intelligence.

The main features of the culture is its ability to separate from the regular nature and social relations between men, more precisely, as mentioned by Freud, the culture is what distances us from the animals. It is in the culture where you create tools rather called "prostheses" that are intended to provide man of useful tools for which no birth due to natural at first. The knowledge and use of these prosthesis also difference and distance from the animal man, in this sense, the rifle used by the Marines is one of those instruments which in the beginning man was stripped and thanks to the culture was able to create and use in societies where they live, not be amiss to confirm the nature of the gun culture that no other being can make use of it or biologically born with this thing built.

Sergeant tries to give life to the weapon itself, proposes turn it into an imaginary being that is part of life in the Navy , a higher being which are devoted prayers and prayers. The life led by Marines in the field of recruitment continues with some requirements of beauty, cleanliness and order, is frowned upon by the officers that Private Pyle is fat, it goes against beauty, are used widely to notion of cleanliness when they reviewed the nails, forced to shower and keep clean always uniform, the third requirement applies in this new military society of the future arrived U.S. Marines, everything has an order, a sequence from daily activities, to the way of walking and even firing steps to catch and load the rifle. According to Sigmund Freud, the cultural requirements of beauty, cleanliness and tidiness are the ones who make society evolve.

Although Sergeant Hartman and Private Joker differ in their religious and philosophical systems, both the haves and have well-defined, have a different culture, but both cultures are validated because whatever is religious and philosophical systems that govern them, these are indispensable for the correct conduct of life.

Links are modes of social alliances, establish the membership of the individual a fictitious institution as marriage, family, ethnic group or nation and that is the goal Army Navy , change at the soldiers that family bond that is most rooted, and a link to the sea, ie the state. Also, for Benveniste "culture consists of a multitude of ideas and requirements, ie specific prohibitions" thesis can be seen in Full Metal Jacket when they were prohibited from eating certain foods or eating in hours not established or when they establishing a bedtime, one of up and forced to exercise.

In Navy is living a whole symbolic culture, which functions as a code of relationships and values \u200b\u200bthat pervade all members of society, the Navy as could be seen in the film, is a cultural system governed by laws, which as mentioned earlier in this text, is regulated by rules looking not only remain but perpetuated.

Continuing the theme of culture, no doubt his first constituent is the language, cultures are as diverse as languages. When we are part of a language we associate as equals to all speakers of that language, involving us all in the same society (us) while we distance ourselves from non-speakers of our language (themselves or others). The fat soldier Pyle was not part of society for recruits, it is as if it belonged to a language different from the other soldiers, and Pyle is a cultural problem, as the language, the first thing that involves us in a society in the not well developed, for unknown reasons the rarely speaks, does not communicate easily.

Sergeant Hartman For Marine culture is "natural" but the soldiers do not belong to military culture that they see as "unnatural." Make no mistake when it comes to natural and unnatural, you know that there is nothing natural about the culture, what happens is that culture becomes something as unintentional and unconscious natural passing. The soldier Pyle had fewer degrees of freedom, ie, culture had not permeated entirely on him, so he had not completely separated natural that what the man has tried to distance and avoid. The sergeant is completely absorbed by the military culture, but the fat soldier Pyle never managed to penetrate the culture, for him, was the most unnatural trying to take and even worse, the most unnatural to what they wanted to belong.

From reading Functions and Meanings of Culture , culture is full of meanings, becomes intelligible and controllable natural and human space, indeed, were it not for the culture , human beings would not be feasible as a species, since culture seeks to fill the biological incompleteness, humans started to evolve, as we have done and so do many species, but when he reached the culture stopped its evolution, which reached needed to differentiate itself from other species.

If you look critically Private Pyle clueless fat, you will notice a mental problem, perhaps cognitive, mental problem is a cultural problem if we follow the arguments of Anthony Sampson, who argues that culture is directly responsible for the mental and psychological setting of its members, mental development is the result of cultural interactions, no culture, no mind or intellect. Cultural activities can be specialized cognitive damage in several ways as with Pyle, who used their resources very differently or Hartman Lieutenant Private Joker.

Culture is a system becomes coherent social space and the ability to determine the psychic space, 2 features that were obviously very distorted in the main character in the first part of Full Metal Jacket and brings us back to confirm that there was a cultural problem in it, there was alteration in the degree of functionality and vitality of culture, therefore could not ensure the psychic homeostasis of the person or the preservation of mental health (Pyle begins to become unbalanced as they progress Sergeant psychological attacks and begins to get worse when his own teammates reject it and add to the aggressiveness of Hartman).

As we have understood the importance and complexity of what actually is culture, it has 2 psychological functions, to avoid the perplexity and prevent terror. The culture could not help but suffer Pyle perplexity and the soldier fell reflect on the suffering of its existence (something dangerous according to Freud), is tormented by the thought of his own image (all negative at the prospect of sergeant, his colleagues and himself now), all this was an acute despair not adapt or become part of the prevailing ideals of military culture that the circumstances of the war, now he must belong.

Pyle can not avoid the fear, is extracted from the protective membrane of their previous culture and desculturaliza when there is an interaction with Hartman and when given rituals of initiation " where you want the force to adapt to the new culture (public ridicule and revenge jabonazos tip that is the determining factor that causes the appearance of perplexity and dread now.)

Culture is an intermediary between mind and body, it is possible thanks to major changes in life: birth, aging, becoming husband, becoming a father, age and accept death. Again confirming the cultural problem when Private Pyle throughout the film appears not to have been overcome and advance in those permanent changes of life, as if he had stayed in a stage of infancy.

Despite its relative permanence in a different stage than it should be, the soldier accepted the death, as proposed Sampson, the other first, when he killed the Sergeant Hartman in the same rifle that was taught to revere. Despite that Pyle is not reconciled with death as suggested reading Functions and Meanings of Culture , but the rushed.

desculturalizándose Pyle finished completely, so that he could not bear his life and committed suicide after committing the murder. It happened that Sampson proposed as the last sentence of his text "without culture human condition would be simply intolerable."

Antonio Paz


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