Sunday, December 27, 2009
Party Favors For A Dirt Bike Party
"In this matter, as in the linguistics of Saussure, the relationship between the signified and the signifier is arbitrary"
Ear in the first practice of Computing and Society Seminar, which could be called "Philosophy and body art "or who knows how.
We explained, although at this point I do not remember much, that matter was mutating over time from birth to Father and Hector Schmucler as today was quite different from what was originally because the name had remained stable while the materials, content and even some of the issues no. Some who were in other matters there and ended up giving even some that were given here today (oh surprise) overlapped with things seen in other materials *, and perhaps belonged more in them than this.
The phrase, as you said Cinzcéu reviews in the past two posts, can be applied to a few other subjects. I have heard that in the Seminar in Graphic Design & Advertising the last three words I should (though to be fair, a couple of texts from Barthes specifically advertising), and in Argentina and Latin American history if no final das so with the latter. "Data" is really called "Introduction to Computer Science, the Telematics and Data Processing" and I passed without even knowing what "telematics." To see Don
Google: "Telematics is a scientific and technological discipline that arises from the evolution and fusion of telecommunications and computing." OK, to use two seconds the brain could have deducted.
Well, but the phrase essssssssstá well, I say no.
* To illustrate this, another sentence of anthology, in exactly the same class a while later, he left enough a year later to a post:
"There is also a connection with what is seen at the Seminar on Popular Culture and Mass with respect to the transformation of the medieval body of the modern body, all that you see on the subject together with the world and "open hole", a phrase that we say here once and we will not repeat all the time like them love them. "
to anyone who has studied with him will find it impossible not to remember the friend Garriga Zucal to hear.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Without Clothes In Bollywood Actresses Nice Boobs

For all the faculty, except those who remained in some portfolio laburando Campaigning or editing his documentary Workshop II Chair De Carli, "the days following the last week of November up a brief pause between the end of the semester and the beginning of the study for finals. A time when all the weight of years is relaxed a little and take the opportunity to celebrate some partial victories.
Such was the case with our dear B., who, happy to have completed all their study materials, arranged for one of these Saturdays a nice barbecue on the terrace of his house. There
headed several of whom she shared with one or more of the thirty subjects the trunk of the Mass Communication. It was a good chance to talk with some familiar faces but never talk at all this time, and eating right for months after the Arabs to live on ham and cheese La Barbarie. Sharing the roast were about fifteen Galponera more family organizer, and the conversation came down the lanes awaiting a meeting of the style. Averaging
the evening, there was a comment related to the company Techint and ill-treatment (or mistreatment) to their employees. Apparently, the company has a social work itself that requires doctors who treat their employees to write for what ailment is drugs that are prescribing, a practice unusual in the medical field and that (according to my friend N., who has several friends employed at the plant in San Nicolás Siderar) enslaved the right to privacy of laburantes signature. His comment was an unexpected return from the father of the organizer of the roast, which apparently works, or worked, as financial advisor to the accounts of Techint. And so it was that before they could say "Fredrich Engels," began the discussion. Among
empty salad, N. doubled the bet and said the company Techint, self-proclaimed record profits last year, promised a special prize employees for their productivity that never came. "The excuse? "The crisis." (You can see more about it here .) The defense of the homeowner was that things were difficult and that, even with gains, but had to save because they were being "Indians", which also produced steel, and " I passed over. "
- What's going on, interceded, is that even if there is a crisis, the thread always cuts through the finer side ...
In fact, in the same note that I quoted above explains how, while Siderar employees are owed 27 million pesos, a director of the same firm pocketed 6 sticks green fees and allowances.
The talk was cordial as possible, but the tension was already installed. Difficult to match, at one table, two positions. That's when I remembered a phrase from a theoretical Mangone, where I studied Communication II in 2006, then I found posted on the web :
"From the Marxist theory of social classes exist because there is class struggle ... For that in general truce in the class struggle is concealing its existence, such as holiday, weekend, Christmas, on Sunday, "we are all equal in mass, or the family table, and so on." saw that at that time there little political propaganda? It is curious: Why not leafleting a soccer field where there are 40 thousand people, or Corrientes Avenue, the 9th of July or Callao on a Saturday night? One has to go to propagandize in the place where the people, but historically there is a truce, and breaks which virtually stopped the class struggle. (...) The class struggle is spit roasted, is to spoil the party, is to end the cosmology community, disrupt the neighborhood nap. Politicization: power, conflict, fight. "
After midnight, I had a party split into eighty-suspension of the class struggle was under way, of course, but I time to comment with my friend Eugene and with the sympathetic landlady of the situation and the letter of the sentence mangoniana.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Dslr300 Precision Design
Some single notes, after finishing that submitted:
"The key matter is clearly in the theoretical. Can not go? Get the transcribing. What the chair does not degrease? I know, but just be getting some old, I think, 2004 or so, walking around. Since then, they changed some texts, but as explained in theoretical elementally remains the same, at best in a different order. It can be hard to follow at first but once grabbed her hand becomes very clear Savransky enlightens you read and what reading the texts of the units would be only too dark.
"The second review is now final and binding house can compensate partially preparing a monograph. I say partly because anyway the paper must be defended and as they say, you can ask questions on any subject matter of course. And the paper does not seem very easy to do either, so do not uncork the champagne that had not yet made or given his head on the keyboard and made those who think that if they waited a bit to score some kind were saved of Calvary.
"You mean the second part is not a Saturday, but the first still is. However, it was not for me. As laburar that day, I asked if I could take the following Thursday. How great, with this I have like 5 days to study tranqui, I thought, it came quite late. Wrong. So, yes, I won 5 days. But I forgot that the exam would be needed in the middle of a classroom at school. Had started confident to see who knew what they were going the 4 questions that I had touched, but everything fell apart when the shrill voice of the teacher began to explain the day's theme permeating the silence that prevailed until then and my eardrums and my brain . I would have preferred the scenario described by Fede in an old post entitled "Noise " where the teacher speaks and students whisper above. Even sounds good congested traffic and a building under construction would come in handy. Is that putting too perfect silence in the foreground the voice of the teacher explaining issues that all they did was confuse my brain exhausted while trying to find, among all recently deposited there in the last few nights without sleep, the explanation of the merleaupontiana differences between phenomenology and gestalt psychology about the role of the subject in perception, or the like.
In his fights with the association psychology, Gestalt (and also the darling of the chair, Merleau Ponty) explained that feelings were not isolated, one always sees something in relation to something else, a figure set against a background. To invent an explanatory example: I see a black spot but a black spot on the white wall. If the wall were also black, the spot did not seem so. If gray or black but rather dark in color, the stain would be noticed less. So mothers who care for the mango often prefer to buy black shoes for their children, to last them clean appearance that the kid will go to be taking away all day on the street.
Something happened in examination. The climate is ideal to give a total silence, with no other visual distractions, smells or tactile (?) Either: plain background on which the only significant figure are the questions, the student's thinking and responses. But if silence is added in a clear voice that contrasts with it, its significance begins to mix with trying to build in my head to capture on paper. And on top I'm more familiar with what the teacher says because I saw in other subjects (in how many more will mention Bourdieu, hey?) That I have to respond because I learned a while ago, is inevitable automatically pay more attention to the first, and you have to work twice as hard to engage the fucking test. Then ends preferably a gray din, to hide what I do not call me more attention, as not to call her mother wanted dirt on the shoes of the kid. Is not it more difficult to read in a library where A starts talking asshole ruining the silence in the middle of a street with a brothel even in decibels? Would it be easier to ignore the meaning of words explaining Savransky Phenomenology of Perception if recited on the type of music that usually accompanies a fart pop singer, specially designed to stay in the forefront the romantic crap he says, or if it did take place in the noisy Lou Reed Sister Ray ? These and other questions of core importance to our intellectual, personal and professional are what helps us to raise the matter.
Conclusion: do not disengage the living trying to go on Saturday, the French ask laburo if they have that day and be sure not Orthodox Jews. ---
PD doubts remain suspended in the air: "Is good matter? Is it true that ultimately has nothing to do with design? Is it easy? Is it beautiful?" Is it clear ? Is it long? Are you going to count for something sometime? " The
word "serve" has some echoes some utilities that make noise probably rightly attentive reader. Do you have to "serve" something you studied in college and then to sell it to an employer? I think not, although a certain amount of that surely has to be at a university is not something that has to be subordinated if we want it go more than bolts to be fitted in a large machine. Yes
is a long time reading material: I left more than a text without reading and yet I was well, confirming that he was right fedef as commented in the post last year on this same subject. In that and everything else there said, are not intentionally screwed correcting (they are so good that I was told that on Saturday I did not attend the examination in which there were a couple treacherously copying the teacher noticed that no matter ...); input seems difficult but Savransky The sculpting is a bit until the fourth or fifth week and see how starting to take a unique, clear and even aesthetically pleasing, not to do things much swollen balls (except, right on the commission that I had to prepare a lesson once a day, etc.). So, answering several questions in one: yes, some may be optional compulsory texts and shorten the field, but ends up being relatively clear what is seen by Savransky and does have its enjoyable points just from that one begins to understand something.
But you can ask a question much more than root: Is it justified in any of this matter and in the race? Unlike what Cinzcéu said to me the contents did not seem sooooo hung, perhaps because they were expecting even more. The relationship with the design is there, although it is true that the words "graphic and advertising" seem to be more in the title, because it is a general theory of design, not those types of design in particular. The problem, any case, I think is more fundamental and has to do with the career structure in general, all say they want reform (including Savransky, each time there is for race director) but nobody seems to agree on how ( everyone should say "my matter not touch me!"). One day we will have to make a post for everyone from the bar
Friday, November 27, 2009
Watch Movies Online Mario Salieri

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Rubber Enema Bulb Syringe

The FCPyS we provide a bus, so it is necessary to register their response data the following email to reserve your spot:
look forward to your assistance.
Greetings. CETMECS-FCPyS
Universidad Iberoamericana
PUEBLA Universidad Iberoamericana
LECTURE "Alain Touraine"
Colloquium for Philosophy and Science REASON AND REVOLUTION
Wednesday, 21 October (UIA)
9:00 Registration of participants 9:30
Welcome and opening of the Symposium Keynote 10:00
Enrique Dussel
Moderator: Pablo Lazo
Rest 10:45 12: 00 First panel: Revolution and multicultural relations
- Benjamin Mayer
- Pablo Lazo
- Alan Arias
Modera Maria Eugenia Sanchez
14:00 Lunch 16:00 Second panel: Revolution and cultural transformations
- Virgilio Ruiz
- Carlos Ballesteros
- Francisco Castro
- Luis Gomez
Moderator: Oscar Soto
Thursday, October 22 (FCPyS UNAM) 10:00
Third table: Reason, modernity and cultural transformations
- Solar White
- Benjamin Arditti
- Monica Guitián
- Carlos Mendiola
Moderator: Edgar Tafoya
11:45 Break 12:00 Keynote Michel Wieviorka
Moderator: Luis Gómez
14:00 Lunch 16:00
Fourth table: Violence and forms of hegemony
- Ambrosio Velasco
- Jorge Enrique Linares
- José María Calderón
- Teresa de la Garza
Moderator: Areli González
Friday 23 October (MUAC-UNAM) 10:00
Quinta table: Resistance and globalization
- Enrique Leff
- Florence Toussaint
- Maya Aguiluz
- Mauritius Beuchot
Moderator: Yolanda Paredes
11:45 Break 12:00 Keynote Bolívar Echeverría
Moderator: Francisco Castro
14:00 Lunch 16:00
Quinta table: Heresies, representation and desire
- José Luis Barrios
- Elena Chavez
- Mariana Botey
- Raul Zamorano
Moderator: Pablo Lazo
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Inflatable Campingpillows

Nationality: Argentina
Marital Status: Married
Home Address: 333 Humboldt,
Postal Code 1414,
Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel 4855 0621 Office: Sarmiento 4287, Postal Code 1197,
Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Tel 4865 9152 E-Mail: @ g.amaicha
degree in Psychology. Graduated from the Faculty of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires. Professional Registration: MP 11992.
"Body Language Course in Therapeutic Approach", by Susan Evans (1980 - 1982).
"Body Techniques Course" Nuya by Teller (1980).
"Conscious Fitness. Postural correction technique, "by Dr. Irupe Pau (1979-1982).
"Eutony, Postural Correction Techniques, Awareness of Dimensions, energetic movement and muscle tone Balance," by Gerda Vishnivetz Alexander and Bertha (1976 - 1982).
"Senso Gymnastics and Movement Perception. Development of expression of the Body ", by Patricia Stokoe (1975-1977). Course
"Gymnastics Movement Deep Relaxation Technique", by Fedora Aberastury (1971-1973).
training in psychotherapy
Transpersonal Therapy Training, Aluminé Center, by Dr. Carlos Martinez Bouquet (2000 to date)
"Training in Healing, Body Psychotherapy," by Dr. Laura Zalzmann, Medical, Psychoanalyst, Psychiatrist, specializing in Somatic Psychotherapy (from 1996 to 2000)
Seminar of violence, "by Dr. Carlos Martinez Bouquet (1989). Training
BA, taught at the Instituto Argentino Bioenergetic, by Dr. Martinez Bouquet (1987 to 1990).
Seminar for Sexology, "by Dr. Martinez Bouquet (1987).
"Intensive Seminar Introduction to Clinical Sexology", by Ms. Fine Sáenz, Spain (1986-1987).
Psychoanalytic Psychodrama Training, by Dr. Eduardo Pavlovsky (1985 - 1987). Training
Bioenergetics and Biosynthesis, by Dr. Liliana Acero (1985 to 1995)
Transpersonal Therapy Training, by Dr. Norberto Levy (1984-1987)
Gestalt Therapy Training, by Mabel Allerand (1983-1984) Speaker
and participant in the University Clinic "Dr. A. Cafferata. " Theme: "A model of therapeutic work for seniors, recreation and approached from it by a multidisciplinary team." Argentina Foundation headquarters for Mental Health, FASAM, Buenos Aires (1983)
"Training Course in Gestalt Therapy" by Dr. Florinda Gloser (1982 - 1983).
"Introductory Course in Gestalt Therapy, Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires (1981).
Theory and Techniques of Gestalt Therapy "by Gestalt Association of Buenos Aires (September to November, 1981)
Participant in the "1st. Argentine Meeting of the Movement and Health, "sponsored by the Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires and Argentina's National Commission for Unesco (1981).
"Vegetotherapy Course. Therapeutic body technique based on Neo-Reicheanismo "by Lic Dragotto Franco (1980-1981). BUSINESS ACTIVITY
It operates on private practice from 1980 to date. Assistance Group and Individual, Family, Romance.
Clinical Work in the Area of \u200b\u200bPrevention Alvear Hospital, area by Ms. Nuria Blajeroff (1988-1989). Gymnastics Teacher
Conscious and expressive techniques, Faculty of Psychology at the University of Buenos Aires (1982-1984). Bodywork
with Gerontes in "Day Care Center", by Dr. Haydee Andrés (1983). Bodywork
with Gerontes in "Day Care Center" by Dr. Arroyo (1981).
Seminar "The art of living fully," by Dr. Pierre Weill, Aluminé Center, International University of Peace (UNIPAZ) Buenos Aires (2006)
Seminar "yoga voice, opening the heart ", by Ms. Silvia Nakache, Aluminé Center, Buenos Aires (2006)
Workshop for health professionals, taught by Dr. Richard Moss, Harmony Foundation Humanitas (2005)
Seminar "The Art of Living in Peace", by Ms. Cristina Suarez, Aluminé Center, International University of Peace (UNIPAZ) Buenos Aires ( 2005).
Workshop "New Dimensions in Healing", by Eric da Silva Pristan Kart, Open Space, Buenos Aires (2000 - 2006)
Experiential Seminar "Freedom to be yourself", headed by Mr. Kabir Jaffe, University of International Inner Consciousness Sciences, Buenos Aires (1999 - 2001) Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Sexuality and Erogenética", by Dr. Ebah Boyesen, Director of the School of Biodynamic Psychotherapy, London (1999)
Workshop "Gestalt" Armenian Club of Buenos Aires (May 1999). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Transference and Countertransference" by the Kiguel Rubén (Brazil) (1999).
Workshop for psychotherapists, taught by Dr. Richard Moss, Fundación Harmony Humanitas (1998 - 2006)
"Working with families," Annual Seminar by the team of systemic family therapy center of Mental Health No. 1, Hospital Pirovano, Municipality the city of Buenos Aires, in agreement with the School of Psychology, UBA (1998)
Seminar Theoretical Psychotherapy Clinic in biosystems. Neurophysiological Integration of Emotions "by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1998). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Fields Engines and postures of the Soul", led by Rubén Kiguel, Brazil (1998). Clinical
Theoretical Seminar "Bioenergetics," by Dr. Lowen and Frank Ladsky, New York (May 1998). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop. "Gestalt Therapy, Family and Couple. The realization and change ", by Joseph Zinker (1998-2000).
"The impact of social stress. Its health consequences, "lecture by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1997).
"Theoretical Seminar Clinical Biosystems Group and Family, by Dr. Gerome Liss, Italy (1997). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop. "Retraining in Bioenergetics," by Drs. Ladsky and Lowen. Taught at the Institute for Bioenergetic Analysis, New York (1997). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Family and Couple Psychotherapy Gestalt", by Dr. Zingu, New York (1997-1998). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Biosynthesis," given by Dr. Eliani Sigueiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (1995). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetics", by Dr. Frank. Ladsky, U.S. (1995). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Bioenergetics," by Dr. Heiner Stekel (1993). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetic Analysis", by Dr. Liliana Acero (1993). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Training in Bioenergetics," by Dr. Eliani Siqueira, Brazil (1993). Theoretical Workshop
Clinical Bioenergetics Training, taught by Dr. John Pierrakos, New York (1993). Theoretical and Clinical Workshop
School of BA New York, "by Dr. Heiner Shekel (1992). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "Biosynthesis", by Drs. Mauricio & Vanessa Reiss, Buenos Aires (1990). Theoretical
Clinical Workshop "characterological Shell" by Dr. Jorge Stolkiner, Reichian psychotherapist (1989).
"Theoretical Clinical Bioenergetics Workshop" taught by Dr. Frank Lasky, U.S. (1987).
courses and seminars
International Congress of Biosynthesis ", Bay of San Salvador, Brazil, (October, 2000.) Directed by D.
Boadela Encounter Somatic Psychotherapy in Biosynthesis ", Curitiba, Brazil (May 2000).
"Training in Biodynamic Psychotherapy. Neo-Reicheana Body Psychotherapy ", created by Dr. Gerda Boyesen, London. Dictated by Rubén Kiguel, Brazil, Mr. F. Levin, France, and Mr. Cristiane L. Gross (France), (1998-2001-2002). OTHER COURSES
Participation IV Iberoamerican Congress of Psychodrama, "Crisis, commitment and transformation: from isolation to meet." May 2003. Clinical Workshops
Anorexia and Bulimia, 2002-2003 by Dr Liliana Mato
National Meeting of Psychodrama Psychoanalytic Society organized by Psychodrama (May 2002).
"Clinic for eating disorders, Faculty of Medicine, University of Buenos Aires, by Dr. Liliana Mato (2001)
" First Argentine Congress of Stress Medicine, "organized by SAMES, Sociedad Argentina Stress Medicine (June 2001).
"Encuentro Argentino Brazilian Somatic Psychotherapy in biosynthesis. Body, Dream and Desire ', Buenos Aires (April 2001).
"Seminar" How to listen to a child ", by Dr. David Nasio, (August 2001).
"Seminars in Psychotherapy" Rubén by the Kiguel, (1999-2002).
Posted by BA in psychology UBA
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Acl Swells After Each Exercise
not have to be obsessed with the topic like the great historical transformation of communication, but since I have I share information, and will update in the comments if you have news, though, the existence of recently discovered me me becomes redundant.

others have been turned, but the important is it because he turned both general and particular. Voting in general is ganadísima , 40 and 20 and long shorts. The ground where the events beans one to one now and tomorrow at dawn is in the detailed approval of each item . There, many supporters in general have some disagreements, and the gap is narrowed, making the chances of any article of the draft as it stands today * change increase. This remember, generate the project have to re deputies, which is not necessarily a problem to pass the law so that I do not think at all to the world, but with the Kirchner wants nothing to do, largely because there are points which are not too willing to compromise. The strategy of the UCR or the PRO-Peronism is to change whatever it takes to kick the approval and say they "won" today, but in practice the law can go well, perhaps even improved (I would like to spend all licenses by the enforcement authority, for example, various other things I'd like really, but no one ever made so let's just discussion to which is on the table at this point-), if current support is maintained when deputies again.
Finally, let the numbers for those who want to follow.
I will divide the members into three groups: A) for all B) against C) in favor with dissent. The group C is one that can tip the balance in each allying with A or B. A total of 72 senators, and it is estimated that there are two absences (Urquía and Massoni, is also estimated that of the Corrientes Vigo but will especially morning of his medical license to join the bloc called here A), for which the sum A + the join of C will be given as much or more than 36 -If they are all sitting in their seats when voting, in each and every one of the articles for the draft becomes law on Saturday morning. If 35 to 35, tiebreaker against Cobos.
Block A, in favor in everything: the 38 Senate page listed as part of the FPV block least recently celebrated Jenefes, the Chubut Guinle and Giusti, the Troadello Mendoza, close to employer Avila media (we'll put in the group C) and absent Urquia correntina more we spoke, Dora Sánchez and Santiago del Estero Iturrez of Cappelini ally. 38 to 1 absent - 4 + 2 semirebeldes allies. Total = 35 .
Block B, against (taken from here , beneath it all): PJ dissident (10) + UCR (7) + number of loose (Colombo, Castillo, Rached, Alsina, Pinchetti, Carlos Rossi, Estenssoro and Verani = 9). Total = 26 . (If Menem kick-health issues is in question, and your vote is critical now that he was in doubt on the block to confirm their presence, will be 25)
Block C, for in general but against or doubt on some items : the 4 set of FPV plus PS Giustiniani, Lords of Neuquén Popular Movement, the bussista Salazar (who threw a few reasons as most incredible to be in favor of the law in general) and the two senators from ARI Tierra del Fuego, which is counting as favor without having a quote from his mouth to prove it. I guess menajerán good info, but I'll keep that in doubt until you confirm that. So: Total = 9 .
words, incredibly, B + C = A, with the fair.
The outlook is so favorable to the government that if it does not change last-minute developments, the only chance that the project back to Members is that absolutely all these heterogeneous 9 agree to vote "no" in a item together with the other 26 in group B are then 35 to 35, Cobos tie against and then it changed. Medially as hard as profitable if it occurs. The next day covers alone would be written.
What item can be put all 9 of agreement? Consider the candidates:
14: enforcement authority
32: award of licenses
45: multiple licenses
161: term adequacy (disinvestment), now one year after
With 45 no chances. The "liberals"-PS, Tierra del Fuego-insurance support it. Are the other 3, where there is more consensus. But one missing, someone who gets up to pee suspiciously when rate the article (has happened before, etc.)., or one of the 9 to approve it and pass.
fueguinos If confirmed its support in particular as claimed, and pass all the project is law. They take bets. I suspect that the negotiations for the law that protects the industry from Tierra del Fuego, for which, conversely now, the needs of FPV fueguino ARI should have been the most discussed issue in several talks on a cell phone this week .
* the project as it will be discussed today with the changes that were made in Members, is available here in a long-winded. Pdf or here in a precarious . Doc that has the advantage of having these changes marked with different font
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Pattycake Online My Dots

As we all know, this week is something of vital importance to the nation's future, is closely related to the faculty, career and blog. No, what law, I refer to the classification of the World Cup soccer team, obviously.
Inspired by the situation, go two appointments. Magazine Says
Barcelona: Predicted
escraches, destruction of imported cars, impalements promising young preventive and not discarded the "effect" Andres Escobar "warnsee how close they are to be met Alabarces few words some time ago, when he said, before anyone saw it coming, in the "Maradona, or the overcoming of Peronism by other means", in Football and Homeland or one of his 42 books on fóbal, endurance, and other hooligan-do not ask me-I get to review the following:
that if Argentina does not qualify for the World Cup, fans would mitigate his anger by hunting for cracks
(...) In the week after the defeat of the Argentine national team against Brazil and Paraguay, it emerged that the former military Alfredo Astiz torturer lived a difficult episode street when a passerby mistook the defender Gabriel Heinze, threatened to beat him and shouted "blond son of a bitch we will kill you." The unfortunate incident experienced by the ocean, which unfortunately did not pass over, graficaría the "intense desire of the fans of ever crossing the street with a football player," according to assess the degree Alabarces.
quiet hope: at one with a future repeat of this book, Maradona will be the Argentina coach, and will win another world championship. My analytical skills will be put seriously in doubt, but at least I earn points as a prophet. All this, of course, if you die before.(quoted by him-self-citations-in a theoretical 2008 ( pdf, html ) after Basile's resignation and early buzz about the new DT)
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Cedar Pollen Home Remedy

The latest: the demigod-semifrancés of our career, San Eliseo Veron, added a new bean to its curriculum, always in search of a better world. After
advised the Clarin Group, led the race Social Communication University of San Andrés , played bowls with Umberto Eco and been presented as an analyst star of "Big Brother: The Debate" , Veron is the latest of which is informal advisory image Eduardo Duhalde.
And, as states with good sense, our blogger friend The Type:
" Eliseo Veron's column today in Profile aims to write twice 'Eduardo Duhalde." Interesting is not it? " .
He concludes: "Eliseo Veron looks a specialist NTPs.
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Electric Pizzelle Machine In Malaysia
fedef starts in his blog postings a series of promises and I think is worth recommending. The first
, an extract, it would sign no problems (going to say I could have written but it should have the same talent):
What is in the media on the Media Law? Basically, misinformation.
is much talk, too. Little is said, nothing.
We suspect, if we really care what happens and what can happen around us, the missing information, which is ungrudgingly, is censored or not published in the media. But much more still we - and not just because it's easier - to suspect that he suddenly begins to flow like a ceaseless barrage, as a deaf Buzz given to Pavot handle without further argument or doomsday scenarios, too, promises colorful Edens and charms. There is no worse misinformation and subject me tooth and nail to my own opinion, that the excess of information is useless. (...)
Just as it is legitimate to hold that talk and talk about something as necessary corals and so steep, it is also legitimate to question, to suspect (I like "suspect" because mine is not blind faith) about what is spoken and what is said and what he believes. In short: what is the service value of all reporting on the project.
What is bringing out in the discussion of the Media Law is, in my opinion, a kind of discursive script scheduled diametrically varies according to the "camp" where actors militate each other, depending on who pays salary or bonus, depending on where it rains the advertising or the gift of the day. Here's the problem with most of the important political issues - and the media law is like no other, an important issue - which televised debate on democracy, this sort of naval battle whose coordinates are verbs and symbols: the problem is that we end up in arms and eyes around significant wild, empty and pointless (such as "freedom of speech," "human rights" "democracy," "dictatorship", "plurality of voices", "K ") but no one (or few) happens to read verbatim a poor section of law to air and discuss in depth - for days and under many lights - its implications, its possible outcomes, justice or injustice, something that makes "education" of the listener, the so called "ordinary people" who, because he has no other, always talking goose mouth. The goose is the media. (...)
bombarded with institutional Clarín self-pitying and put sockets in TN on "Media Law K" (the "K" kills you.) Your employees (almost pulling rather to "wallpaper") refer to "gag" journalism, the encroachments of the "free speech" and the imminent threat of the "acquired rights." Solá Morales speculated from the plain and from his column in The Nation with the creation of a media holding company owned by Kirchner to come to replace one monopoly for another, while denouncing the scrapping of existing media groups with the non-holy target to subject journalists to topical and "K authoritarian style." When the project does not compare with the policies of Hugo Chavez and Evo Morales (vile demons), people like Vila do nothing less than the last military dictatorship. Cobos Macri and wear the shirt and accuse the government of trampling the sanction of the law with a Congress that "it is chosen by the people in the last election" not hesitate to speak of "improvisation" when the law gets changes one of the cameras and accusing certain blocks of members (such as Socialism) to "sell" and "betraying their voters" when, after getting some changes explicitly requested by them, vote for the law. None of these spectacular accusations, conspiracies and apocalyptic scenarios appear never backed the appointment of an article Specifically, with number, section and paragraph of the letter of the law. No article appears to show either the gag or the attack on freedom of expression, or bribe or anything of the submissions.
Across the rhetoric is not necessarily more helpful. National Radio, ATC and Page 12 (scenarios of a more militant speeches - that's the word - in favor of the law) it is assumed that the new project is nothing short of a panacea simply because the current law is a decree issued by a genocidal dictatorship (ignoring the fact that some of the major shortcomings of the current regulations were introduced in democracy). Faced with opposition charges are limited to mock Macri or Cobos (easy target if any), talk about fascism, it's all a lie and you have to take it as who comes, that is, Grupo Clarín. None of these celebrations of joy and hope exalted displayed solved by any citation of the law to clear doubts. Both sides claim to be faithful convinced gallery, leaving key and useful information that could convince many more floating on a cloud.
In essence, we have a duel of symbols in the middle of a problem than symbolic - will incur a somewhat orthodox Marxism - has little or nothing (always big chop chop chop girl and not behind). The law is democratic or not democratic. The law encourages freedom of speech, or threatens it. The law monopolies dismantled or replaced by other even more sinister. The law is made in the image and likeness of the European powers or the image of Venezuela and Cuba. The law is of a people or nefastísimos "K". And so on. Who was able to read the bill and a minimum of technical knowledge on the issues are resolved it with the elements, with effort, to overcome these misleading dichotomies and decide with some knowledge of the facts on which side is the reason, Who will create more and who less (which personally I did). But the aforementioned "Average citizen" who never will read the whole law but ironically is who will compete over everything that is at stake, there is nothing clear and no one says anything. Instead, offer attractively marketed slogans as he goes door to door selling. Thus, there has to be grasped beyond the sympathetic or the degree of identification that PRODUZIR Mirtha Legrand or Sandra Russo, Joaquín Morales Solá or Victor Hugo Morales (each with their moral, let me in time of bad joke) or Cristina Macri , Merkel and Chavez. (...)
Go, read, think and be sure again that more than read to continue the cycle, hopefully more productive than others.
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
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look forward to your presence.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
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In the comments two posts ago, citing the Federal Educational Policy owner and Communication Planning, Guillermo Mastrini:
A much heard argument is that it is not a law dictatorship since they have made nearly 200 correct it in a democracy. This information has two falsehoods: the first is that the substantive amendments do not exceed the ten (the others are formalities that have no impact), the second is that the repressive nature of the doctrine of national security, the presence of armed forces in directory COMFER subsidiarity of the state, and a centralization of decisions in the executive branch, make a huge force of the law today. Any of these statements do not apply, does not mean that in force or that an agent can not apply.
Another "error" appellant is stating that the enforcement authority every two years may revoke broadcasting licenses. Nowhere stated that possibility. Article 40 of the bill says only that it be reviewed every two years, the maximum number of licenses for a single person or company may have. The distance between this and the other is great.
More confusion has been made in relation the enforcement authority. Throughout the history of broadcasting COMFER Argentina today has depended directly from the Executive. The bill provides that two of its five directors are appointed by political minorities. Instead of incorporating unpublished note is greater pluralism in the enforcement authority, noted their dependence on the executive branch, hiding the current situation, and that most of the projects proposed laws presented by the opposition are less pluralistic than the Executive . No doubt the bill can be improved in relation to the integration of the enforcement authority and powers, but from incorrect information not conducive to walking in that direction.
A fourth "slip" is when it is mentioned that the spectrum would be divided into thirds between the state, private commercial and nonprofit entities. The bill only one third of the spectrum reserved for non-commercial, because otherwise their right to freedom of expression would become abstract by their inability to compete on equal terms with the commercial sector. No specifies that the state should have a third of the spectrum, beyond that you reserve some positions. Yes it is worth mentioning that the president's speech helped to feed the slip, to reiterate this information inaccurate.
I would say with respect to the first point is a law of the dictatorship that has only managed to worsen with the changes that were made in a democracy.
Regarding the third point, Mariano López Parada add a comment below:
Meto a perlite: Yesterday we were in America 24 Daniel Sabsay Mastrini and discussion on the subject. When Sabsay threw it in the enforcement authority, he retorted with this Mastrini you write it up, what the lawyer (the only constitutionalist in the agenda of producers) said, "but the BBC is independent of political power ..."
"Do not mistake implementing authority by public transport," he answered our teacher.
In short: bullshit few say when you ask for examples of what they are saying.
And on the second, I add: UCR yesterday explained the reasons for his opposition to the law. Among them mentioned ... the old theme of the review every two years, explained that does not mean that they can get licenses but also of what he says Mastrini, is made for the media do not end up taking up more room in which spectrum could occupy, removing to new signals when technological advances allow more than one place where there are now one. And worst of all is that, to leave no doubt this, the wording of the article was changed on request!
round up what he says in another note Mastrini:
One of the positive aspects of the debate that has been installed is that the arguments against the broadcasting law have left the caves. It seems that the untiring no longer enough to move from the big media lobbyists in the halls of Congress, or even direct calls to legislators when voting or commission offices, as has happened regularly since 1983. In front of the debate and the social consciousness of the importance of democratic control of information, the enemies of the broadcasting law have had no forced to deploy a battery of public arguments against its passage.
(...) Now that the arguments of the enemies of public law are more interesting to analyze how their lines of argument have varied between governments and political situations. In what has not changed is its constant opposition to punish democratic regulatory framework, which impedes the discretion of the enforcement authority and private agreements with the authorities.
will take two cases as examples. The bill is audio visual services for the mainstream media, the law "K" to control the media. Rarely, no in the Clarin group, is given the floor to those in favor of revising the legal framework. All social groups, unions, academics and politicians who support the project are labeled as ultra K unqualified. But it is not new. During the government of Raul Alfonsin highly respected today, the Council for the Consolidation of Democracy (COCODE), developed at the request of the president a bill. The arguments of the media employers grouped in the Business of Independent Media (CEMCI) stigmatized the project as an attack on freedom of expression and lobby congressmen and senators to avoid penalty. The CEMCI is incubated and maintained suprapatronal by the Clarin group. The COCODE was a multi-party agency were represented the major political forces of the moment. Yesterday in front of a draft consensus emerged today at a breast of civil society and drafted by the government, the enemies of the broadcasting law reform argue that the dictatorship of law is an attack on freedom of expression.
Another argument is recurrently screams convenience of waiting for the new parliament, which would be the true representatives of the people and hence the greater legitimacy to legislate. Exhaust the efforts of several days of investigation outlining the hundreds of laws passed since 1983 in the time lag between elections and the inauguration of the new parliament. Of these we will mention one, which radically transformed the Argentine media system. In August 1989, after the fall of Alfonsin, but before I assume the elected members, parliament passed emergency laws and Economic Reform, known as Dromi laws. In one of his articles are removed the impediment to the owners of print media may be licensees of broadcast media. Since this change could become the Clarín Group. In this way, it would be risky to note that enacted the Audiovisual Communication Services would have the same legitimacy home to all media groups that exist in Argentina. Unless you use a criterion when the process favors and another as a disadvantage. The enemies of the broadcasting law does not seem to have noticed such detail.
Like any project or any law, the Audiovisual Communication Services can and should be improved. That should be the task of parliament. The project presented is an appropriate basis for discussion with hitherto unknown elements in broadcasting Argentina as the presence of political minorities on the boards of the enforcement authority and the national system of public transport. Its design is based on criteria of freedom of expression rights settled in human, far exceeding the authoritarian tendencies of the law of the current dictatorship. Which the enemies of the broadcasting law seek to maintain.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009
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Let's start with some videos of the debate was in college when he showed up, some months ago, the draft Law on Audiovisual Communication Services to see some of the comments, support and had raised objections at the time and get a perspective on how the process evolved:
Almost all are interesting and important points . Do not miss the moment, as suggested by Levenberg. Nor why, says Mangone, accept that to decentralize half has to focus one on behalf of the plurality, or believe that the ruling party suddenly turned into what has never been, and that the critical mass that has been generated these themes is careful not to stay in declaiming of the law but rather know that for what it claims is effected objective factors are necessary. To welcome the initiative but concentrate on the articles and to improve laburar specifically, as does Aguiar. And to be clear, as Pritchard says, that the adoption of this law will not ensure that media content into something very different from what we know.
few months later, I think we are in a position to say that the project has improved in some way presented here, especially from the deletion of text allowed to enter the triple play of telephone, without which I think reasonably, taking into account that the antitrust law is declared and decentralized, and yet here was the other way, "many were reluctant to support what was as it was. (Although the argument that with this resolution avoids the problem of how to adapt the regulatory framework in this new technology, which may be true)
This post was being written a couple of days, saying that if the ruling flexible enough to some key points would ensure the approval of the project-a project that would become and arguably better than the law that governs today, in both chambers. Cited, but not completely coincide, since in fact is someone with whom I disagree on a few things, something Roberto said on his blog Gargarella :
in 2005, culminating Mastrini the book, saying: "The story covered in this book demonstrates that if a number of sectors of civil society (...) do not start the debate by forcing those responsible politicians to assume it will be very difficult for this process arises by mere will of the people they purport to represent in the Congress of the Nation. "
Today, that pressure and installation process of the debate seems to have ended, at least for the members of the Coalition by 21 points. However, and as consistent as representatives from different sectors and Sanchez Donda, the law shows serious inconsistencies with 21P.
I want to point out three of these inconsistencies related to section 3 (regardless of media), point 6 (no concentration) and section 12 (public media organizations). I invite you to read the original draft of the executive, which contains an interesting foundation that includes the list of the 21 points and a brief explanation of how the law would meet. The unprejudiced reader will find, I think, that the official responses to the points mentioned are weak.
Point 3 and point 12 may be treated simultaneously. The bill creates enforcement authorities and directors of public media are the sole executive orbit, which means (without any control of Congress) to the majority of its members. The Government argues that the principle 3 which requires 'independence' is satisfied with a picture of control, such as the Public Defender. Does an independent enforcement authority, with varied composition and within the scope of Congress it would be better to ensure the independence of the media than just a monitoring body? The Government also fails to mention one of the claims of principle 3: the arbitrary official with publishers and subsidies. If the law does not regulate this area, the top 3 is not satisfied.
economic relations the state and the media (which go far beyond advertising) are the main source of pressure from the state to small and medium media, the majority in much of the interior. It is in these economic relations where lies the greatest violation of the right to information of citizens: the challenge is to make the State and the media are left to scratch their backs, and this law does not.
Of course, no law can force a medium to be independent and practice journalism seriously. But at least we can create incentives to do so and remove disincentives. The law, as it is, it creates no incentive to exercise independent journalism, but on the contrary, maintains the existing disincentives. Think of an owner of a Buenos Aires daily either a city: Is it fair to criticize the authorities if they can be punished with the withdrawal of funds that allow you to survive? The obvious response disclaims me explicit.
With regard to point 6, which calls to avoid the concentration, the project is also poor. Why is it necessary to allow the entry of the telephone? Can not bind to the telephone networks to other providers not mega millionaires as they can provide triple play services and compete with cable? It opens the door and they set limits, but why is it opens the door first? If you like, as they say, prevent monopolies or mergers, why input is given to two companies that are behind two (Telefónica) and three (Telecom) times wider than the Clarín Group? Do these companies will be less of a threat to small cable operators in the interior than it was a group Clarin unleashed by every president since Charles M. to Nestor K.?
I want the ruling party explain why it is necessary to open the game to the phone. I am most interested in hearing the justification for antitrust arguments. I hope sitting, eating popcorn. These
considerations lead me to the last point, related to the Government's intention. Victoria Donda disagreed and deemed unnecessary to analyze the government's intentions because she is not a psychologist, you have to read the law, period. Sanchez did not think to look to those intentions is to get the view of elefantazo there in the room (ie: the prompt sale of Telecom, the acquisition of Telecom by businessmen friends who can go shopping at shopping juicy remaining media after the devolution process that the proposed law).
think I'm interested in the position where, because I think it is that many members left, some well-meaning pro-government and the Coalition 21P. Today the law is punishable closer than ever: who knows the history of broadcasting in Argentina knows, however, may fail. The scenario posed is of type 'now or never. "
I understand the fear but do not agree: if the law is debated adequately without haste and earnestly acted, the ruling will collect many adheciones much of the opposition.
I say "much of the opposition" is an exaggeration, but perhaps could be corrected in a way that does not change too much the conclusion, saying that "the ruling would collect sufficient adherence to the law is approved." I also believe that the law could be approved after December, but do not see why not do it now and save the risk of change in the composition of the chamber and recess until April (at 7 months, the stars are aligned today -and make the FPV want this law almost evenly and also have to take the initiative to do so "may well become misaligned), this is drawers.
If this happens for next year, the law would be discussed at a conference with the following numbers:
(figures taken from here and here )
PJ / FPV and allies : 118
: 128
Sabatella / Solanas / Lozano / SI: 10
PJ / FPV and allies: 36
Opposition: 36
anyone see these figures and say there is a tie in the two cameras! Once again law breaker Cobos and bounces!
Not so.
The key here is that as "opposition" has a very diverse group, including a few potential allies, for this law, with those changes, would vote with the government.
"The two senators from Tierra del Fuego, also owe all the graces necessary to ruling until the approval of the modification of electronic import tariffs to encourage industry to Tierra del Fuego. With the members of this force is the same.
"Senator (Giustiniani) and Members of the Socialist Party, who voted in favor of, for example, the nationalization of the AFJPs, is said to have supported measures so-called" progressive "government, and have also said would support this bill with some changes. (The same goes for the South Project, with the difference that the latter also voted for such re-nationalization of airlines)
Augsburger, head of the socialist bloc deputies said: "We we are opposed to the exception in the official bill for the telecommunications companies to acquire licenses for TV. But now let's define what position we will take if the government does not adjust that item. First go to the debate. " Then the PS was decided not to support the project without changes. But with the changes it would do, which supports the thesis Gargarella ...
And we must add two traditional allies Artepolítica's post does not count:
-Mario Jorge Collazo (Federalist Unity, Tierra del Fuego)-voted for the 125, for example, Ana Maria Corradi
of Beltrán (Santiago Viable Movement)-ditto-
So we would have 41 senators. 4 most of which are needed. And ensuring a good bill that did not open the door to groups that already have more power than Clarín.
Of course, the problem remains as always: legislators elected by the FPV are perfectly able to stop supporting this (or other) progressive law for various reasons (with Cobos, who makes the need of 36 senators up to 37 at the head). According
Artemio Lopez, were in doubt the two senators from Chubut and the two of San Juan.
Das Neves, governor of Chubut, whose senators voted for the final bill for the government, the extent of the powers delegated to the executive, recently said he saw a component of "revenge" on the project, which is not a very encouraging sign, but this seems to be reversing during the debate in committees, with some changes proposed by the deputies Chubut FPV accept block, which also in theory should vote yes senators Das Neves, and perhaps magically the law to pass the governor's eyes be a sign of bloody revenge seventies and sarasa sarasa an example of democratization of sarasa sarasa voices and otherwise.
De San Juan does not know much, but it is also negotiable issue I have seen a good talking Gioja the idea that there is a new law.
But there are more people of FPV "in doubt": Senator William Jenefes, owner of a TV channel a few FMs AM in Jujuy, also wants some "modification". Guess the reader if they have to do with A) the participation of indigenous peoples B) the level of federal law C) take care of your business ensuring that any restrictions on the concentration of licenses in the same geographical area affecting them .
(as bonus track, is worth mentioning that the man is the driver of a project that seeks to censor internet users , a jewel of democracy communications no doubt)
Five in doubt, but with both of Das Neves favor would lead to 38, and if that's what we add some (not all) of the Civic Coalition could roll over the changes and vote, post approval December -10 seems viable. All this, provided that the FPV accept changes that, in general, sounded reasonable.
Well, yesterday, he took one of them, and here we are. Good thing he did quickly, thereby increasing the chances that the law comes before December, and in general, it comes out.
What is almost guaranteed is that the law will have the initial approval of MPs. Almost all blocks of the center had called for substantial changes, generating anger from the Kirchner calling for bowing to the new project and declared to be in favor of it before discussing it. In this link, for example, you can see some of the alternatives proposed by South Project (public service broadcasting and not merely in the public interest as state property spectrum, definition of "nonprofit entity" to exclude foundations dependent on other entities that are themselves so as not to strain in the third of the spectrum reserved for them, a law enforcement rather than the existence, democratization of decision making and regionalization of communication, similar to what I mentioned Mangone-video in, and mainly what the phone). I think that once I got the phone and some other partial reforms, it is reasonable, while trying to change everything they can until the last moment to vote when the time comes, as it seems they will do, but seems a shame not to get things as foundations in the third of the non-profit (yes, however, ensures that there will not be allowed under other foundations, media and Noble Foundation and Telefónica).
The Senate, it was known, is more complicated. Will have to see how it works Socialist Party Members from these changes, because there we can figure out what will Giustiniani in the Senate. The Chubut, if I have to bet, say they'll vote for, but not safe. What I wonder is whether or not the ruling party should ensure that these votes are agreeing dance changes with them before leaving members (Das Neves suspect that they have done, anyway). In the version of this post I was writing yesterday said that if the ruling party really wanted to leave the law, would have to accept changes such as taking orders for telephone and in any case, leave those who were offside lying to say that these were obstacles to pass the bill. And either because they were not given the numbers or because they found that they numbered in terms of image, made with respect to the main point. If you do nothing, I think, is because the numbers are already out and the law.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
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Monday, August 31, 2009
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On Wednesday last our 4 counselors, in the wake of the crisis we are facing students and their consequence that many had to start work or study more subjects we do not know how much more we study, we present this concern to the Academic Council of faculty, composed of graduates, teachers and the dean.
a request was made urgent nature of time bands for all the substances of all the races of mankind in general, but given the record of problems of recent weeks that have brought us many partners, detailing the following matters:
If anyone has a problem with a subject, or have an arbitrariness to undertake or to pay a final Please ask us to do to get so we can solve the problems.
We are in the classroom to build the body of delegates and so we can continue to organize more courses for all, by ticket, dining and night shift more tickets and student hostel. We're seeing
La Plata, August 25, 2009.
The Honorable FaHCE Academic Council,
We turn to this body to express our concern about the shortage of time bands in many of the subjects of our faculty, whose inscriptions were made recently.
We have repeatedly made such claims because we believe that all materials must be three time bands for practical classes and at least two to dictate theorists (especially in the departments that offer promotion systems without final exam). So we have raised on other occasions before this Council, which, at the election of Dean in 2007, adopted a program that includes this point.
While in recent times there has been progress in incorporating some time bands in some areas, is still insufficient. This is compounded by the growing economic crisis that hit deep to the Argentine people stems from the politics of the Kirchner. Thousands of students are forced to work for support their studies, and others to abandon, at least partially. It is the responsibility of the Faculty offer schedules that enable all students, in these conditions, can take.
In particular we ask be implemented urgently in time bands:
· Psychology and Culture in the educational process: it is necessary to allocate schedules for committees that enable the promotion. And a morning time band theorists.
· Philosophy of Science: to be assigned a commission in the time band after 18 pm.
· Methodology of Educational Research I: has only a committee of pilots. (At 18 pm)
· Methodology Educational Research II: it is only a committee of pilots. (At 16 hours)
· Psychology Education: there are no practical after 16 hours. • Assessment
education: has one Practices Commission (11 to 13 hours) compared
· Structures: There is only a theory and practice schedule.
· Literature American: there are no commissions from 18 pm.
· Literature French: there are no commissions starting at 16 pm and needs a theoretical band over time.
· Language I: there are no commissions after 18hs. and needs a theoretical band over time.
· Library: in most matters of race there is only one hour to study. This situation should begin to resolve.
· Geography of Marine Spaces: there is a theoretical and practical only in the afternoon time band.
· Swimming I and II: no commissions starting at 16 pm.
The above are just some of the scheduling problems that students have to take and follow "in the race. They are the most urgent and which we hope will be resolved at the beginning of the school year. Otherwise, many we, in the difficult situation we are facing, let's study subjects, a situation which often leads eventually to the abandonment career.
Hoping to find a quick solution to these statements. Sincerely
Student Senate Academic Advisors
Thursday, August 27, 2009
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On Wednesday the council present academicoun list of problems on time bands, that although we have been getting through the claims (in the SPEP, in Grammar I, on Phonics I and II, Languages \u200b\u200bEnglish I and II) there are still many unresolved. * And we
for this term commitment on resolving practical classes for Comparative Grammar !!!!... what's going to involve at least two bands time to study!
re is an important victory, we have been fighting together all students of the race since años.Tenemos commitment and we must now ensure they comply.
* And in the SPEP .... thanks to all claims presented to the academic secretary of the faculty got to be delivered a seminar on oral practice during this quarter ... Let
organizations, over time bands, for more hours in the lab for free practice on the course of Trados free, from seminars to complement our training.
We come walking along a very important fight, every problem, to improve our training and that all partners have the right to study. And we have been advanced! .. so it is very important for us and for the comrades who are coming to study the coming years we continue on this path, and continue relcamandole more government budget for all these changes are possible! ..
We're seeing!
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on Wednesday changed the academic calendar for the tables of September and October. By the changes and delays that caused the emergence of influenza A, the power to postpone the table proposed in September and put it together in a double call with the October to gain administrative time (registration, etc).
view this from the student center asked them to separate the table as possible in September and October to avoid losing the opportunity to pay the final need.
Anyway. got three weeks between September and October so the timing was as follows:
Registration (only): Week 7 September 11 September
table: 21 to September 25 October
table: from 19 to 23 October.
twice called in November-December was unchanged.
Advise all because it is just one week of registration to perform in either of the two tables (Sept-Oct).
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The 19 went to talk to the school office use and gave him what we were talking of SPEP, more than anything that jumps to unapproved numbers, which is that there is a large gap between what the course gives us and what we tested in exams, which worsens as corresponding to oral practice. We propose the idea that they might have oral practices, so that we could use the lab, and could be more clear during the course for review we are preparing, among other things.
is important to get together to discuss this together, we are not anxious about the course we disapprove of, but we use that experience to improve the SPEP fight for ourselves and for the comrades who are coming to study year next.
The SPEP is a very important victory, we get the students after years claiming, but we have to defend and improve, as we do with the dining room at $ 1, because the university for all it's a fight everyday, and we need to the demos that fight together, for things that are needed change.
To see how we in this fight to continue and improve the SPEP, just go to the table and see where we put the next reunion date.
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hello !!...
This information is for all who were enrolled in introduction to literature and Valeria Botto Malena Sager. Some fellow
came concerned that part which had been pending was taken the week of Aug. 3. Causing many colleagues left without pay for not having heard of the date. At this
talk to the teachers and they agreed to consider the Recuperatorios (on 29 August) as part of first instance for those who were not in the above. Implying that if these comrades would still be disapproving Recuperatorios instance. Advise
all look so beat that solves the problem!
Saturday, August 15, 2009
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Hall on the first floor of Ramos, hoping to take the end of the first part of Planning Work in Journalism (aka Campolongo I). Levenberg and an assistant first start taking the pills. Tense moment. Each student goes there in an average of ten, fifteen minutes. They leave more or less happy, in fact, a girl gets a 10.
happens to this kid.
I think I was fourth or fifth on the list, the first of the brave. Went unnoticed, those who waited outside still talking about life or matter, rather nervous. In one of the many silences that weapon we realize that the boy is still in there and not come out. It is seen that they had engaged with something.
At thirty-five, almost forty minutes, the door opens. Get the guy.
"Oops, I think I gave" said in a tone of thriller. Laughter. Quickly
jumped on his person the now classic and curious onlookers shouting "What took you, what took you?"
The kid took a deep breath and said, exhausted:
"I hope they give me the note, after I tell you my phone number."
Friday, August 7, 2009
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semiotics Do you have to pay 2? Do you expect an entire weekend reviewing notes from classes and spying Del Coto Peirce correspondence

Yes, guys! came, Charles Sanders Peirce trivia ! A question and answer game to test how much you know the father of semiotics and pragmatism! Just a few clicks away (and a little patience if the server goes slow trivia), the first one here .
also suitable for whoever has to pay semiology of the CBC, where in general, but not always-is also Carlos Sandro (?). What I can not guarantee is that all the contents of trivia ever seen in any of the two subjects, but most sure.
When you've already seen this long ago may used to see how much you remember. I made it twice, once for a while, with just three half-courses and one yesterday, and not surprisingly I was better at first. The comments
can tell you how it went.
(trivia poring of around, do not believe that I did)
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
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to study with a new scenario in facu, things continue to rise, layoffs are hovering around 100,000 jobs, and healthcare collapse that occurred with the influenza A K showed that the Government wants us to pay the workers and crisis the people. Facu
The budget issue once again turns red in these inscriptions. Science Education is a career despite being essential to revive the crisis in this country, remains sidelined by low budgets. Again we chalk and no time bands.
People who could not write on subjects of fourth last year have the same problem today and juggling nuevamentes students do, to go through that funnel shrinks each time more, plus the fact that we are becoming more we have to go to work to continue studying, are becoming more difficult. Therefore
from United, driving the Student Center, we offer you once again organize to fight you have more time bands in the materials that you can not take. *
as much they can not attend, then do not say that no people with problems.
* This Friday, August 7 we gather in the Student Center (1st floor), at 10 am to organize for these areas who only have time and fight a band that really all we can take!
Finally, you can not come to the reunion we another on Monday 10 at 17:00, for people who can not come tomorrow because it works,
Good start!
We are watching!
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Free Down Ftv Midnight Hot

"Sexual behavior in the animal world is dominated by the Imaginary: python python male sees a female, and ready . In humans, no.
why we go to the psychologist "
Ricardo Terrile, JTP Communications III, explaining the structure of the orders of Jacques Lacan.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Printable Communication Cards For Stroke Patients
The following note asking for a written report on the situation actal of facilities and construction of the sports field was submitted to the Student Welfare Department of the UNLP.
La Plata, June 11, 2009
Mr. Patricio Lorente
ProUniversity Welfare Secretary
Universidad Nacional de La Plata
- Specification of works for the bike rack closed;
- Completion of work on the new siding to the sports field;
- Remodeling and separation of space allocated to the copy center of the Student Center of Humanities and Education;
- Allocation of adequate space for the intern in the Department of Student Affairs, Faculty of Humanities and Sciences of Education.
Given the difficult economic and social college students are going through the current economic crisis, and the lack of responses and actions to remedy this situation by the Government, both social level as in the relevant issues education budget issues, the resolution of these issues are urgently needed and important for faculty and graduate students in physical education.
remain, with the hopes of a prompt and favorable reply, greets atte.
Mediero Juan, leg. No. 77635 / 4,
Prof. Physical Education College
Secretary General of CEHC
UniT Group
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Milena Velba No Computer

Going into the semester, students come PUEF paddling hard to stay in the race. The situation is difficult: increasing transport, food, rents, notes, etc.., Showing that with the whispering of the crisis Kirchner are paying students.
is time to resume the fight for each of our needs, the role of all, to start fixing authorities and the Krisis not cost us the race.
- Information in the Field: in advance in these years to be implemented Student Affairs Secretariat in the Field of Sports, but still has no proper place or with a phone line. Students can not go running around to find out whether ongoing or if there is unemployment, week-end if it rains, etc.
- New siding: might not continue to lose every time it rains classes that are not finished works. Just lacks the folder floor!
- Anatomy: Enough theoretical testimonials. We need to meet schedules for further theoretical in all program content.
- Human Physiology: Enough bochazos, irregularities and abuse at the final table. Students and we are organizing petitions to stop them with his hand.
- So you can not, for some time been demanding a proper place for Photocopying Field. The authorities promised parts but still waiting ... No moisture machine supports the extension of the bathroom!
- Stop theft! : they met four years since construction began closed the bike rack on the field and was never completed. It's a shame because bicycle thefts continue to suffer daily. This is not cause for more!